Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science
“JSTS has been indexed and abstracted in the SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) since Volume 9, Issue 1 in 2009. Furthermore, it continues to maintain its listing in the SCOPUS database and is recognized as a regular journal by the Korea Research Foundation.
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A 10 Gb/s MIPI D-PHY Receiver with Auto-skew Calibration Circuit using Random Data
Investigation of the Temperature Sensitivity and the Sensing Voltage Drift of the Body Diode of SiC Power MOSFET
Wireless System Miniaturization Solutions for Ingestible Sensors
A Highly Reconfigurable Signal Acquisition Analog Front-end IC for Bidirectional Neural Interface SoCs
A 24-Gb/s PAM-4 Tailless Current-mode Driver with Output Impedance Enhancing Technique in 14-nm FinFET
A 0.13 μm CMOS UWB Radar Receiver Front-end with Differential Error-correction and Feedback Gain via Back-to-back Regeneration and Bandwidth Staggering
Work-Function Variation and Delay Analysis in NAND and NOR Circuits using Gate Insulator Stack-based Dopingless Tunnel Field-effect Transistors
Improving Z-Interference and Program Disturbance in 3D NAND Flash Memory using Asymmetric Program-pass Voltage
High-performance Sparsity-aware NPU with Reconfigurable Comparator-multiplier Architecture
A 99.93% Peak Current Efficiency Digital-LDO using Single VCO With Dual Frequency Gain Control