A Highly Reconfigurable Signal Acquisition Analog Front-end IC for Bidirectional Neural
Interface SoCs
(Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, Seoul National University of
Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea)
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
Neural recording, analog front-end, common-mode cancellation loop, programmable gain amplifier
I. Introduction
Biopotential signals recorded from neural interface systems are widely used to understand,
diagnose, and treat neurological disorders such as epilepsy or Parkinson's disease,
and related research is actively in progress [1-8]. In these neural interfaces, there are important considerations during the design
process. First, low power consumption is required in the multi-channel interface circuit
to limit the excessive heating of surrounding tissue and to lessen the burden on the
wireless power delivery circuits. Considering several tens to hundreds of channels
to interface with the microelectrode array, only a few microamperes of current can
be allocated to the individual front-end circuits. Second, sufficient amount of amplification
gain as well as low noise performance is required in the recording circuits to resolve
and process weak desired neural signals with sufficient quality. These signals which
can be categorized as local field potentials (LFP) and action potentials (AP) have
various bandwidths between sub-Hz to a few kHz with amplitudes from several ${\mathrm{\mu}}$V
to a few mV, so it is important that the desired signal can be recorded with programmable
gain and bandwidth. Typically, an integrated input referred noise (IRN) of around
5 to 10 ${\mathrm{\mu}}$Vrms is required for frequencies of 1 Hz - 10 kHz [2,3]. Another consideration in the design is that recent neural interfaces are designed
with bidirectional signal conditioning capability which consist of a stimulation unit
[4] operating at high voltage to stimulate the target area with a precise controlled
current and a recording unit that monitors and records signals to interpret the changes
and patterns in the resulting neural activity. However, in an operation scenario where
both the stimulation and recording units operate concurrently, a large common-mode
(CM) artifact signal may affect the recording unit due to a direct conduction path
from the stimulation unit through the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) [5-8]. The CM signal that affects the recording section can be tens to hundreds of times
larger than the desired recorded signal, and can range from hundreds of mV to several
V [6,7]. Therefore, as this voltage is large enough to saturate the recorder, a method to
resolve this issue is needed. While several analog domain approaches have previously
been reported, one of the solutions is to simply block and disable the recording unit
when the stimulation unit operates [9]. However, this option has the disadvantage that recording is interrupted for some
duration and important signal information may be lost. Another method is to use feed-forward
based CM cancellation [6,7]. In this case, signal removal is possible only in a limited range, and there is a
disadvantage where significant degradation occurs in the noise performance due to
the cancellation circuitry [8].
In this work, a low-power, low-noise neural recording analog front-end (AFE) with
a feedback-based common-mode cancellation loop (CMCL) [10] is proposed with notable modification. The AFE features programmable gain and bandwidth
to support both LFP and AP signals through a highly reconfigurable architecture. The
paper is organized as follows. Section Ⅱ explains the AFE architecture and the design
of key circuits. Section Ⅲ shows the measurement results of the implemented IC and
compares with previous similar works while Section IV concludes the paper.
II. Circuit Design
Fig. 1 shows the overall structure of the proposed AFE circuit. The first stage (G$_{\mathrm{M1}}$)
of the low-noise amplifier (LNA), which has the greatest impact on the total noise
of the AFE, is designed as an inverter-based operational transconductance amplifier
(OTA) using a current reuse technique [2]. The second stage (G$_{\mathrm{M2}}$) employs a 5-transistor fully-differential OTA
structure to secure the output range. In addition, the LNA is allocated 80% of the
total power consumption of the AFE to achieve low noise performance. The feedback-based
CMCL using a current mirror structure A$_{\mathrm{CM}}$ with rail-to-rail output to
tolerate large artifacts produced by the stimulator is designed to reject signals
of the same magnitude as the supply voltage.
For the control of the high-pass bandwidth of the overall AFE frequency response,
narrow-band buffers (NBB) [11] are placed in the feedback loops of the LNA and the programmable gain amplifier (PGA).
Another NBB is placed in between the LNA and the PGA for the low-pass bandwidth control.
Thus, the AFE can process both LFP and AP signals or separately handle them. After
the low-pass NBB, the gain can be adjusted using the PGA. Adjusting the input capacitor
has a significant effect on the overall noise performance, and adjusting the feedback
capacitor with a switch has the disadvantage of changing the bandwidth differently
than intended for each gain setting. Therefore, the proposed PGA is designed to keep
the bandwidth constant by changing the feedback capacitor and using the adaptive Miller
compensation technique [12]. Since the bandwidth does not change due to the change in the gain of the PGA, the
overall bandwidth of the AFE is determined solely by the NBB blocks.
Fig. 1. Overall simplified structure of the proposed AFE (the actual signal paths
are differential).
1. Common-mode Cancellation Loop (CMCL)
The proposed CMCL used to cancel large CM artifacts at the input is shown in Fig. 2. If a large CM artifact signal is coupled to the input of the AFE (V$_{\mathrm{in}}$
node in Fig. 1), the common-mode signal appears as it is, with only the DC level shifted to the
tail current source drain voltage of the first-stage amplifier (G$_{\mathrm{M1}}$).
This signal is then amplified by the following CMCL amplifier (A$_{\mathrm{CM}}$),
and the result is applied back to the G$_{\mathrm{M1}}$ input through the capacitors
(C$_{\mathrm{Acm}}$). Thus, the CMCL path operates as a negative-feedback loop from
the perspective of the common-mode input. As a result, only a small error signal couples
from the large common mode input to the first-stage amplifier thanks to the CMCL circuit.
This operation can be expressed assuming that the output of the CMCL amplifier is
not saturated;
Since the A$_{\mathrm{CM}}$ amplifier is not saturated, the V$_{\mathrm{Acm}}$ output
can be shown as follows;
Therefore, the CM error signal coupled into the first-stage amplifier becomes ideally
0. However, at this time, if C$_{\mathrm{Acm}}$ is smaller than C$_{\mathrm{in}}$
and a signal large enough to saturate the amplifier couples to the input, V$_{\mathrm{Acm}}$
is as follows:
Therefore, a non-zero error signal enters the first-stage amplifier. In reference
[10], resistors are used after the A$_{\mathrm{CM}}$, and thus the amount of the cancellation
varies depending on the CM input frequency. However, using C$_{\mathrm{Acm}}$ instead
of resistors in the proposed circuit allows the common-mode signal to be rejected
according to the ratio of C$_{\mathrm{Acm}}$ to C$_{\mathrm{in}}$, and the signal
is rejected with the same magnitude at all frequencies within the A$_{\mathrm{CM}}$
amplifier bandwidth. Considering the input noise degradation, the C$_{\mathrm{Acm}}$
was set to 8 pF, which is 80% of the 10 pF value of C$_{\mathrm{in}}$.
In addition, by using a comparator and logic circuits, the CMCL circuit switch automatically
turns on when a large CM artifact is coupled to the input and turns off when a large
CM input is not present, thus prevents the overall noise degradation under normal
Fig. 2. Schematic of the proposed CMCL.
2. Narrow-band Buffer (NBB)
The proposed NBB schematic is shown in Fig. 3 and is designed using a current mirror OTA buffer. By increasing the width of the
first-stage element of the current mirror and increasing the length of the second-stage
element that copies the current, the second-stage current is lowered to several tens
of pA, making the bandwidth very low. To adjust the low-pass filter bandwidth of the
AFE with a 40-dB/dec slope, two NBB blocks are placed in series between the output
of the LNA and the input of the PGA. In addition, a switch that directly connects
the path between the LNA and the PGA allows the signal to pass without going through
the NBB. To adjust the high-frequency bandwidth of the AFE, the NBB is placed in each
feedback loop of the LNA and PGA. With all bandwidth adjustment switches turned off,
it records signals within the 1 Hz to 10 kHz range, encompassing both LFP and AP signals.
When only the low-pass bandwidth adjustment switch is turned on, it operates within
the 1 Hz to 280 Hz range, recording only the LFP signal. When only the high-pass bandwidth
adjustment switch is on, it operates within the 500 Hz to 10 kHz range, recording
only the AP signal.
Fig. 3. Schematic of the proposed NBB.
3. Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA)
The method of adjusting the gain in the PGA involves connecting switches and capacitors,
thereby altering the capacitance value based on the ON/OFF state of the switch to
achieve the desired gain. Among these methods, there are two approaches: one involves
changing the input capacitor, which has the drawback of noise variation depending
on the capacitor size. The other method involves adjusting the feedback capacitor,
but it has the disadvantage of altering the low-pass cutoff frequency band whenever
the gain changes. Therefore, in the proposed PGA, the gain is adjusted by varying
the feedback capacitor, and both noise and bandwidth are designed to remain constant
using the adaptive Miller compensation technique [12]. In Fig. 4, a cross-coupled capacitor structure is depicted, which is used in the feedback path
of the PGA [2,13,14]. Using this method, the overall PGA feedback capacitance value can be expressed as:
When capacitors are connected in parallel, $a_{1},$ $a_{2},$ and $a_{3}$ become +1,
whereas when connected in a crossing manner, $a_{1},$ $a_{2},$ and $a_{3}$ become
-1. The values of the capacitors are set as follows: $C_{PGA,fb}$ to 2~pF, and $C_{1}$,
$C_{cross1}$, $C_{cross2}$, and $C_{cross3}$ to 1.1 pF, 500 fF, 300 fF and 100 fF
respectively. The overall value of the feedback capacitance $C_{PGA,fb}$ varies according
to the switching configuration, resulting in gains of 1, 2, 5, and 10 times.
In typical amplifiers, as the gain increases due to feedback, the bandwidth decreases.
In other words, if the input capacitor is fixed and as the feedback capacitor decreases,
the gain increases, leading to a reduction in bandwidth. To mitigate this issue, the
method of using compensation capacitors to decrease the bandwidth for stability assurance
in typical amplifiers is employed in reverse: as the gain increases, the compensation
capacitors are decreased to maintain a consistent bandwidth. Therefore, the overall
amplifier is designed to have a gain of 40 dB, 46 dB, 54 dB, and 60 dB, all resulting
in a bandwidth of 1 Hz to 10 kHz.
Fig. 4. Schematic of the proposed cross-coupled capacitor used in the feedback path
of the PGA.
III. Measurement Results
The proposed IC is fabricated using a 0.18-${\mu}$m CMOS process and Fig. 5 shows the chip micrograph of the overall AFE. The IC occupies an area of 0.48 mm$^{2}$
which includes an on-chip unity gain buffer for testing purposes. The IC is assembled
on a FR4 PCB using chip-on-board packaging.
Fig. 6 shows the measured gain frequency response of the AFE while controlling the gain
of the PGA. When the gain of the LNA is set at a fixed 40 dB and the gains of the
PGA are tuned between 0 dB, 6 dB, 14 dB, and 20 dB, it can be observed that the AFE
has a constant bandwidth of 1 Hz to 10 kHz. Fig. 7 shows the bandwidth-adjusted frequency response waveform by NBB. Fig. 8 shows the measured CMRR of the proposed amplifier, achieving over 85 dB in the main
frequency band and over 110 dB near DC. Fig. 9 shows the measured input-referred noise (IRN) waveforms for the proposed amplifier's
entire bandwidth (1 Hz to 10 kHz) in both ON and OFF states of the CMCL switch. The
IRN due to the CMCL circuit is 3.29 ${\mu}$Vrms and 2.12 ${\mu}$Vrms for the ON and
OFF states, respectively. A pre-recorded AP signal from a Sprague Dawley rat of the
open source data set [15,16] is applied to the AFE input through a waveform generator for characterization and
Fig. 10 shows the input and output waveforms which amplified the data at 40 dB setting. Fig. 11 shows the harmonic distortion waveforms while applying the differential input with
2 mVpp magnitude and 60 Hz frequency and the CM input with 1 Vpp magnitude and 2 kHz
frequency. The intermodulation distortion caused by two signals of different frequencies
is greatly reduced by the CMCL circuit. Also, the total harmonic distortion (THD)
is -43 dB.
Table 1 shows a comparison of key performance metrics with previous papers. The proposed
circuit offers flexibility in bandwidth and gain control and has good noise performance
despite not employing chopper stabilization technology, which greatly reduces the
overall circuit complexity of the AFE. Additionally, for less than 1% THD, the proposed
amplifier can withstand up to 1 Vpp of CM artifact signal, which is the same magnitude
as the supply voltage. It is important to note that some of the THD values in the
comparison papers were either derived from simulation results [5] or were measurement results without inclusion of the CM signal [6,7], which resulted in superior THDs. Furthermore, due to the inclusion of the automatically
operating CMCL circuit, additional PGA for gain control, and the use of NBB to adjust
the signal bandwidth, the overall area of the proposed IC was slightly increased.
Fig. 5. Chip micrograph of the proposed AFE.
Fig. 6. Measured AC gain response of the AFE.
Fig. 7. Measured bandwidth response of AFE.
Fig. 8. Measured CMRR of the proposed amplifier.
Fig. 9. Measured input-referred noise with and without CMCL.
Fig. 10. Measured input (top plot) and output (bottom plot) pre-recorded AP signal
Fig. 11. Total harmonic distortion with and without CMCL.
Table 1. Performance summary of the proposed AFE IC and comparison to previous similar
This work
1 V
1.2 V
1.2 V
1.5 V
0.8 V
1.2 V
1 V
40 dB
26 dB
26 dB
14-44 dB
43.3 dB
58-70 dB
40-60 dB
133 dB
>78 dB
>140 @DC
100 dB
>110 dB @DC
1-200 kHz
1-5 kHz
1-5 kHz
1-1 kHz
1.2-7.5 kHz
1-13 kHz
1-10 kHz
(Wide mode)
1.81 μVrms
(1-200 Hz)
(CMCL off)
2.73 μVrms
(1-200 Hz)
(CMCL on)
1.8 μVrms
(1-200 Hz)
5.3 μVrms
(200-5 kHz)
2 μVrms
(1-200 Hz)
7 μVrms
(200-5 kHz)
1.2 μVrms
(1-200 Hz)
1.8 μVrms
(200-1 kHz)
2.16 μVrms
(1-1 kHz)
1.2 μVrms
(1-650 Hz)
4.1 μVrms
(1-7.5 kHz)
3.53 μVrms
(1-250 Hz)
4.3 μVrms
(500-13 kHz)
4.75 μVrms
(1-13 kHz)
2.12 μVrms
Wide mode
(CMCL off)
3.29 μVrms
Wide mode
(CMCL on))
Noise efficiency factor (NEF)
(1-200 Hz)
(200-5 kHz)
(1-200 Hz)
(200-5 kHz)
(1-200 Hz)
(200-1 kHz)
(1-1 kHz)
(1-650 Hz)
(1-7.5 kHz)
(1-13 kHz)
Wide mode
(CMCL off)
Wide mode
(CMCL on)
Artifact Tolerance (CM)
650 mVPP
650 mVPP
650 mVPP
1.5 VPP
600 mVPP
-72.5 dB
-76 dB
-74 dB
-81 dB
-65.5 dB
-50 dB
-43 dB
1.96 μW
2.8 μW
2.0 μW
1.48 μW
2.27 μW
5.72 μW
2.6 μW
0.11 mm2
0.069 mm2
0.71 mm2
0.09 mm2
0.25 mm2
0.3 mm2
0.48 mm2
180 nm
40 nm
40 nm
180 nm
180 nm
180 nm
180 nm
IV. Conclusions
A low-power, low-noise, highly reconfigurable analog front-end IC is implemented using
180 nm CMOS process, capable of withstanding common-mode artifacts as large as 1 Vpp,
equivalent to the supply voltage using the proposed common-mode cancellation scheme.
Gain control and bandwidth control capabilities are possible, providing high flexibility
to various neural signals with different amplitudes. The proposed AFE has a gain range
of 40-60 dB, a minimum input-referred noise (IRN) of 2.12 ${\mu}$Vrms over 1 Hz -
10 kHz.
This study was supported by the Research Program funded by Seoultech (Seoul National
University of Science and Technology). The authors thank IC Design Education Center
(IDEC) for providing EDA tool and MPW fabrication.
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Soonseong Hong received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from the Department of Electrical
and Information Engineering at Seoul National University of Science and Technology
(Seoultech), Seoul, Korea, in 2022 and 2024, respectively. In 2024, he joined Samsung
Electronics, Korea, as an analog IC design engineer. His interests include neural
interface circuits and ultra-low-power analog circuit design.
Hyojun Yoo received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from the Department of Electrical
and Information Engi-neering at Seoul National University of Science and Technology
(Seoultech), Seoul, Korea, in 2022 and 2024, respectively. In 2024, he joined Samsung
Electronics, Korea, as an analog IC design engineer. His interests include neural
interface circuits and ultra-low-power analog circuit design.
Donghoon Choi received the B.S. degree in the Department of Mechanical System
Design Engineering from Seoul National University of Science and Technology (Seoultech),
Seoul, Korea, in 2020 and the M.S. degree in the Department of Electrical and Information
Engineering from Seoultech in 2022. In 2022, he joined LX Semicon, Korea, as an analog
IC design engineer. His interests include neural interface circuits and ultra-low-power
analog circuit design.
Hyouk-Kyu Cha received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering at
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea, in 2003
and 2009, respectively. From 2009 to 2012, he was a Scientist with the Institute of
Microelectronics, (IME), Agency for Science, Technology, and Research (A*STAR), Singapore,
where he was involved in the research and development of analog/RF ICs for biomedical
applications. Since 2012, he has been with the Department of Electrical and Information
Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea, where
he is now a Professor. His research interests include low-power CMOS analog/RF IC
and system design for biomedical devices.