Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science
“JSTS has been indexed and abstracted in the SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) since Volume 9, Issue 1 in 2009. Furthermore, it continues to maintain its listing in the SCOPUS database and is recognized as a regular journal by the Korea Research Foundation.
※ The user interface design of www.jsts.org has been recently revised and updated. Please contact inter@theieie.org for any inquiries regarding paper submission.
Analysis of Electrical Characteristics Changes Due to Physical Parameter Variations in Dual-Gate Feedback Field Effect Transistor
Analysis of the Switching Mechanism of Hafnium Oxide Layer with Nanoporous Structure by RF Sputtering
A Second-order Delta-sigma Modulator for Battery Management System DC Measurement
Experimental and Simulation Study on the Electrical Characteristics of Proton-irradiated AlGaN/GaN HEMT
Design Optimization of L-Shaped Gate Negative Capacitance Si/Ge Heterojunction TFET With Channel Doping
FPGA-based SPI Module System Implementation for Various DPS Evaluations in ATE
Reliable Oscillatory Neural Network Utilizing a Thermally Stable Single Transistor-based Oscillator
Area-optimized and Reliable Computing-in-memory Platform Based on STT-MRAM
A Compact Wide-swing Self-biased Cascode Current Mirror for Wide Dynamic-range Applications
Automated Matching Placement Generation in Analog Circuits