(Interdisciplinary Program in Creative Engineering )
(2School of Mechatronics Engineering, Korea University of Technology and Education,
Cheonan, Korea)
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Key words
MEMS, 3-D test method, gyroscope evaluation
Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) inertial sensors, such as accelerometers and
gyroscopes, are used in a wide variety of applications including automotive and industrial
applications. The demand for MEMS-based inertial sensors in consumer electronics has
increased rapidly in the past few years due to their low power consumption, small
size, and light weight (1-5).
MEMS gyroscopes are used to measure the angular rate. Apart from designing and fabrication,
testing and/or evaluation of MEMS devices consumes a great deal of money. Several
cross-sectional studies have shown that 1/3 of the product cost goes to test setup.
To reach the market demand, high volume production at a lower cost is an issue for
the MEMS industry (6-8).
The product development flow for MEMS gyroscope sensor is shown in Fig. 1. The development of the sensors starts with the design of mechanical structure, which
is validated by finite element analysis (FEA) simulations. The FEA simulations help
the designer to improve the mechanical structure for better performance, followed
by fabrication and initial evaluations at wafer-level (9,10). Wafer-level automatic test equipment and parallel test architecture have been used
to reduce the test time and increase the throughput as reported in (11). After the wafer-level test, the fabricated devices are packaged, and reliability
tests are conducted. Finally, the devices are evaluated for the functional test, and
calibration is performed on each single device for appropriate usage.
The functional test includes the evaluation of the scale factor, bias errors, and
noise performance (12). The bias stability and noise performance are evaluated at zero rate input in the
case of gyroscope, whereas the scale factor is measured by applying external physical
stimuli (angular rate) in the respective axis. To increase the accuracy in the scale
factor measurement, the gyroscope sensors are evaluated at different angular rates
where multi-point results are linearly fitted using linear regression.
For cost effectiveness, a uniaxial rate table is used to evaluate the MEMS gyroscope,
which provides the external angular rate in single axis. To determine the rate output,
the sensor is attached to a test fixture and the primary axis of the sensor and/or
fixture is aligned to the rate table. Although this method is highly accurate, however,
in case of multi-axes gyroscope evaluation, the sensor needs to be rotated three times
for each single axis, which is time-consuming.
Fig. 1. MEMS sensors development and test flow.
In this manuscript, a 3-D test method is proposed for the fast evaluation of multi-axis
MEMS gyroscope. The proposed 3-D method reduces the evaluation time by three times
and eventually reducing the test cost. The article is arranged as follows. In section
2, a proper mathematical model for MEMS gyroscope evaluation using 1-D test method
and the proposed 3-D test method are presented. The experimental results of the proposed
3-D method are compared with the 1-D test method in section 3. Also, the limitations
of the proposed method are highlighted. Finally, the conclusions are given in section
To evaluate scale factor of multi-axis MEMS gyroscope, the output to external physical
stimuli can be modeled as:
where $\mathrm{s}_{\mathrm{x}}$, $s_{\mathrm{y}}$,$~ s_{\mathrm{z}}$ are the scale
factors, $u_{x,0},u_{y,0},u_{z,0}$ are the bias offset and $u_{x},u_{\mathrm{y}},\,\,\,\mathrm{and}\,\,\mathrm{u}_{\mathrm{z}}$
are the input physical stimuli (angular rate in case of gyroscope).
The scale factor of the gyroscope is evaluated by measuring the corresponding output
to external angular rate. In the case of gyroscope evaluation, the gyroscope is attached
to the test fixture and mounted to the rate table. We define the absolute coordinate
system as $\left[0~ X~ Y~ Z~ \right]$ in which angular rate is applied, and the fixture
coordinates as $~ \left[0~ X'~ Y'~ Z'\right]$, assuming that the gyroscope and test
fixture has same coordinates. We also assume that both the fixture and absolute coordinates
have the same origin at 0. The angular rate provided by the rate table in absolute
coordinates can be related to the fixture coordinates by rotation matrix $R$ as:
where $U_{w}=\left[00F_{g}\right]^{T}$is a vector in absolute coordinate system and
$F_{g}$ is angular rate along the z-axis of uniaxial rate table. Whereas, $U_{f}=\left[~
u_{X'}~ u_{Y'}~ u_{Z'}\right]^{T}$ is a vector in fixture coordinates and the rotation
matrix $R$. The matrix $R$, having an unsigned angle $\theta $, between the two coordinates
axis can be defined by direction cosine matrix as:
R=~ \left[\begin{array}{lll}
\cos \left(\theta _{X',X}\right) & \cos \left(\theta _{X',Y}\right) & \cos \left(\theta
\cos \left(\theta _{Y',X}\right) & \cos \left(\theta _{Y',Y}\right) & \cos \left(\theta
\cos \left(\theta _{Z',X}\right) & \cos \left(\theta _{Z',Y}\right) & \cos \left(\theta
where for example $\theta _{X',Z}$ be the angle between $X'- \text{axis}$ and $Z-
1. Conventional 1-D Test Method
The 1-D test method for gyroscope evaluation is shown in Fig. 2(a). For a uniaxial rate table offering the angular rate along $Z- axis$, the single
axis gyroscope can be evaluated by aligning the fixture and/or gyroscope axis to the
absolute $Z- axis.$ In case of z-axis gyroscope, where $\theta _{Z',Z}~ =0$, be the
angle between $Z'- axis$ and $Z- axis$, will yield, $U_{f}=\left[\begin{array}{l}
\end{array}\right]$, As explained above that both the sensor and fixture have same
coordinates. While neglecting the bias offset, we can re-write Eqs. (1-3) as:
The terms $\mathrm{u}_{\mathrm{s},\mathrm{x}}$ and $\mathrm{u}_{\mathrm{s},\mathrm{y}}$
are usually not zero and represent the cross-axis sensitivity, whereas $\mathrm{u}_{\mathrm{s},\mathrm{z}}$
is the measured output of the sensor to externally applied angular rate $F_{g}$.
2. Proposed 3-D Test Method
The proposed 3-D test method is shown in Fig. 2(b). The rotation matrix $R$ defines the orientation of the fixture. Unlike the 1-D test
method for which the fixture is rotated each time to evaluate every single axis of
the multi-axis MEMS gyroscope, this paper exploits the Euler angles such that each
sensor will experience the same angular rate and can be evaluated simultaneously.
The rotation matrix can be defined by three plane rotations, involving rotation angles
$(\theta ,\,\,\phi ,\,\,\psi )\,.$ The rotation matrix for sequence $R_{zyz}$ with
Euler angles ($\theta ,\,\,\phi ,\,\,\psi )$ can be written as:
\boldsymbol{c}\boldsymbol{\theta }\boldsymbol{c}\boldsymbol{\phi }\boldsymbol{c}\boldsymbol{\psi
}- s\theta s\psi & - c\psi s\theta - \boldsymbol{c}\boldsymbol{\theta }\boldsymbol{c}\boldsymbol{\phi
}\boldsymbol{s}\boldsymbol{\psi } & c\theta s\phi \\
c\theta s\psi +\boldsymbol{c}\boldsymbol{\phi }\boldsymbol{c}\boldsymbol{\psi }\boldsymbol{s}\boldsymbol{\theta
} & c\theta c\psi - \boldsymbol{c}\boldsymbol{\phi }\boldsymbol{s}\boldsymbol{\theta
}\boldsymbol{s}\boldsymbol{\psi } & s\theta s\phi \\
- c\psi s\phi & s\phi s\psi & c\phi \end{array}\right]
where c and s represents cosine and sine functions respectively.
Using Euler angle rotation matrix sequence $R_{zyz}$, we re-define Eq. (4) as:
where $\theta $ and $\phi $ represent the angle between fixture and absolute coordinates.
As each axis will experience the same force in the 3-D test method, we solve Eq. (8) for “$\theta $” and “$\phi $” for all $u_{X'}=~ u_{Y'}=~ u_{Z'}$.
$\theta =\tan ^{- 1}\left(\frac{u_{X'}}{u_{Y'}}\right)$.
$\theta =45^{\circ}$.
$\phi =\tan ^{- 1}\left(\frac{u_{X'}\cos \left(\theta \right)+u_{Y'}\sin \left(\theta
$\phi =54.74^{\circ}$.
Putting back the values of “$\theta '$ and “$\phi $” in equation 10 will yield:
Based on the above discussion, it is clear that if the designed test fixture with
the derived angles, each axis of the gyroscope will experience equal angular rate.
Finally, the output of the gyroscopes sensor can be re-written as:
where $F_{g}$ is the external angular rate experienced by the sensors
Fig. 2. (a) 1-D test method, (b) 3-D test method.
Experimental setup for the 3-D test method is shown in Fig. 3. The sensor was mounted on the designed 3-D fixture and attached to the rate table
AC1120. The experiment was performed on ST Microelectronic device, LSM9DS0 sensor,
having 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer, and 3-axis magnetometers (13). The LSM9DS0 was evaluated using STEVAL-MKI109V2 daughter board. The block diagram
is shown in Fig. 4. The device was evaluated at different input rates in the range of $\pm 200$ degrees
per second (dps) and linearly fit using linear regression to determine the scale factor
of the device.
Fig. 5 and 6 show the experimental results of 1-D and the proposed 3-D test method respectively.
The measured scale factor (SF) for $x,y$, and $z~ $gyroscope using 1-D test setup
was $109.98LSB/dps,$ $111.38LSB/dps,$ and $114.28LSB/dps,$ respectively, whereas the
3-D test results show a scale factor of $110.99LSB/dps,$ $112.13LSB/dps,$ and $115.58LSB/dps$
for $x,~ y,$ and $z$ gyroscope respectively. The percentage error between 1-D and
3-D test method was measured and is summarized in Table 1.
Fig. 3. Experimental setup of 3-D test method for gyroscope evaluation using uniaxial
rate table (AC1120).
Fig. 4. Block diagram of LSM9SO and MKI109 motherboard.
The experimental results reveal that the errors were less than $1% $ for the $x$ and
$y$ gyroscopes; however, the z gyroscope correspond to an error of 1.15%. The errors
in the measurement results are either the coupling of the cross-axis sensitivity to
the primary axis or errors in the 3-D test fixture designs. Further, experiments and
analysis were carried out to highlight the error sources in the proposed 3-D test
Fig. 5. Measured scale factor of gyroscope using 1-D test method (a) x-gyroscope,
(b) y-gyroscope, (c) z-gyroscope.
Fig. 6. Measured scale factor of gyroscope using 3-D test method: (a) x-gyroscope,
(b) y-gyroscope, (c) z-gyroscope.
Table 1. Measured scale factor using 1-D and 3-D test.
Test Method
Scale factor (LSB/dps)
Percentage (%) Error
1-D Test
3-D Test
1. Effect of Cross Axis Sensitivity
First, the cross-axis sensitivity of the gyroscope was measured using 1-D test setup,
and its effect on the 3-D test setup was further analyzed. The main sources of the
cross-axis coupling are the test fixture misalignment with the absolute coordinates,
MEMS itself, and die placement errors (14). The cross-axis for gyroscope was calculated as:
where the first subscript represents the primary axis in which the angular rate was
measured, and the second subscript represents the axis in which the external angular
rate was applied. The measured cross axis sensitivity for $x,~ y,$ and $z$ gyroscope
was $1.75% ,1.67% ,$ and $0.37% $ respectively. Next, the effect of cross-axis on
the primary axis was measured as:
where $S_{\textit{overall}}$ is the overall sensitivity, $S_{ii}$, $S_{ij}$, and $S_{ik}~
$represent the primary axis sensitivity and the cross-axis sensitivity terms. Table 2 summarized the measurement errors along with the cross-axis sensitivity. The results
show that the cross-axis sensitivity has an effect of only 0.02%. Also, with the improvement
in the MEMS fabrication and design technology, most of the devices have a cross-axis
sensitivity less than 2% (1, 15, 16) which means that the 3-D measurement test results will affect the scale factor with
an error of 0.02%.
Table 2. Measured scale factor using 1-D and 3-D test with cross-axis sensitivity
Test Method
Scale factor (LSB/dps)
Percentage (%) Error
1-D Test
3-D Test
Fig. 7. Induced scale factor error with test fixture angles.
2. Effect of 3-D Fixture Design
From the above discussion, it was cleared that the actual cross-axis sensitivity has
less than 0.02% effect on the measured scale factor, which means that most of the
errors are raised from the 3-D test fixture design, where the input rate directly
depends on the 3-D fixture design angles. Fig. 7shows the scale factor errors induced due to angle “$\theta $” and “$\phi $”. It can
be seen that 1-degree error in angle $\phi $ will result to $2.5% $ scale factor error
in $z- axis$ and $1.21% $ error in $x- axis$ respectively. Based on the above discussion,
it can be concluded that the measurement errors in the test setup are mainly because
of the designed test fixture angles.
In this paper, a study on 3-D test method was conducted to evaluate the scale factor
of multi-axis MEMS gyroscope. A mathematical model for the proposed 3-D test model
was established. The experimental results were compared with the conventional 1-D
test method showing that the measurement errors were less than 1%. Although the 1-D
test method is highly accurate, however, in case of multi-axis gyroscope evaluation,
the method is not efficient in terms of time. By exploiting the 3-D test method, the
throughput of the test system can be increased three times.
Furthermore, the limitation of the proposed 3-D test method was highlighted. One source
of the weakness in this method was the cross-axis coupling of the secondary axis to
the primary axis, which contributed only 0.02% to measurement errors. Moreover, it
was found that the main source of measurement errors was fixture design and the corresponding
angles. Ensuring the reduction in fixture angle errors will further improve the measurement
This work is supported by the R&D program of the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and
Energy (MOTIE)/Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology (KEIT). [10084665,
Development of IMU Embedded 6-axis, 10-axis compound navigation system integrating
highly reliable inertial measurement unit (IMU), Global Navigation Satellite System
(GNSS), Magnetometer, and altimeter for maned / unmanned aircraft]. This work was
also partially supported by the Education and Research Program of KoreaTech in 2019.
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received B.S. degree in Telecommunication Engineering from University of Engineering
and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan, and M.S. degree in Interdisciplinary Program in
Creative Engineering from Korea University of Tech-nology and Education, Republic
of Korea, in 2009 and 2017 respectively.
He is currently pursuing Ph.D. degree in Interdisciplinary Program in Creative Engineering
at Korea University of Technology and Education, Republic of Korea. His research interests
include MEMS inertial sensors.
received B.S. degree in Electronics Engineering from International Islamic University
Islamabad, Pakistan in 2011, and M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Center
for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad, Pakistan in 2016.
He is currently pursuing Ph.D. degree at Korea University of Technology and Education
in Mechatronics Engineering. His research interests include MEMS inertial sensors.
is Professor at Korea University of Technology and Education. He received B.S. degree
in Electronics Engineering from the Hanyang University and M.S. degree in Electrical
and Electronics engi-neering from Korea Advanced Institute of Technology, in 1989
and 1991 respectively.
He obtained his Ph.D in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Seoul
National University in 2004.
From 1991 to 2008, he worked for Samsung Electronics as a principal researcher for
MEMS development.
His research interests include semicon-ductor transducer and MEMS applications.