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Split-CDAC, digital calibration, successive approximation register ADC, least-squares optimization, sine wave fitting


A Successive Approximation Register (SAR) A/D converter (ADC) employing an attenuation capacitor D/A converter (CDAC) is a popular topology for high resolution SAR ADCs[1-6]. Illustrated in Fig. 1, the attenuation capacitor denoted as Ca, which is also referred to as the bridge capacitor, renders switchable capacitance in CDAC smaller than the smallest physical unit capacitance, thereby enabling a noise and power optimized CDAC-based SAR ADC design even for very high resolutions. However, not only is it impractical to have precise matching between Ca and the capacitance sum of the LSB section of the CDAC, the total parasitic capacitance at the LSB side of the attenuation capacitor, denoted as CPL in Fig. 1, also degrades overall linearity of the CDAC. The combined challenges demand that there need be some means to calibrate out this analog inaccuracy when one desires to use the CDAC with bridge capacitor for a high linearity SAR ADC design.

Fig. 1. Overall architecture of SAR ADC with bridge CDAC utilizing digital-domain calibration.


There have been quite a few number of papers that have tried to address this problem from both analog and digital domains. For instance, the analog domain technique described in [1][1] utilizes an extra CDAC to calibrate ratio mismatch due to parasitic capacitor, which increases analog circuit complexity. One can also use large attenuation capacitor to reduce its variation at the cost of larger total capacitance than necessary [2][2]. Several digital domain calibration techniques have also been demonstrated. In [3][3], error voltage for each digital code is measured using dedicated DAC switching scheme and 32-tap FIR filter, which adds substantial hardware complexity. The method presented in [4][4] and [5][5] utilizes histogram testing and code density check to obtain desired digital bit weights, thereby not requiring dedicated hardware to estimate the bit weights for the calibration. The downside for the histogram method is that it often requires large number of data samples to calculate bit weight, leading to long calibration time. More recently, [7][7] demonstrates a method that finds the ideal bit weight of MSB section capacitors as well as the weight of entire LSB section through a sequence of measurements, but no silicon verification has been provided.

In this paper, we present an alternative foreground digital-domain method that can calibrate a SAR ADC with a bridge capacitor. Our method, without using dedicated hardware for error extraction, finds optimal digital bit weights by solving a least-squares optimization problem under the framework of convex optimization. As will be presented in this paper, in comparison to the histogram method, our method is much simpler to use and works with significantly fewer ADC output samples.

While it has been shown that the least-squares method can calibrate out the CDAC mismatch in sigma-delta ADC[8], the residue amplifier finite gain in pipelined ADC[9], and the CDAC mismatch in binary-weighted SAR ADC[10], our contribution is to show that under the condition that the bridge capacitance is oversized than nominal value, the least-squares method can be extended to the calibration of the CDAC nonlinearity arising from the bridge capacitor. Another contribution is to provide a detailed hardware implementation of the digital calibration engine that is suitable for a SAR ADC utilizing asynchronous clocking scheme. We verify the viability of our method via model-based simulation as well as silicon measurement using a prototype 0.7 V 5 MS/s SAR ADC in 65-nm CMOS process.

Section II reviews the dominant error source in CDAC with a bridge capacitor and describes a design requirement on the CDAC to embed built-in redundancy, which is followed by the calibration algorithm based on least-squares minimization. Numerical examples are provided to show the viability of the presented method. Section III presents implementation details and measured results of the prototype SAR ADC in 65-nm CMOS process. Section IV concludes the paper with a brief summary.


1. Bridge CDAC Error Sources

Fig. 1 displays the overall ADC architecture we consider, where we assume a differential evenly-split CDAC with top-plate sampling as a representative SAR ADC utilizing bridge CDAC[11]. For total N+1-bit raw resolution, CDAC is designed to have N-bit resolution given that the first MSB can be resolved differentially without the CDAC being engaged. The attenuation capacitor $C_{a}$ splits the DAC into two equal N/2-bit binary CDACs with unit capacitor $C_{u}$. SAR control logic drives the sequential operation of the CDAC based on the output of the comparator, providing raw digital output D[N:0] to the digital calibration engine. The calibrated ADC output is computed as a weighted sum of raw ADC outputs D[N:0] and optimal digital bit weights w[N:0], i.e.,

$D_{\text {out}, c a l}=\sum_{k=0}^{N} W[k] \cdot D[k]$

In principle, the ideal attenuation capacitor value for the CDAC in Fig. 1 should be chosen as

$C_{a, i d a l}=\frac{2^{N / 2}}{2^{N / 2}-1} \cdot C_{u}$

which can be approximated as $\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{a}, \mathrm{ideal}} \approx \mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{u}}$ when N is large for an N-bit split-CDAC. With parasitic capacitance $C_{PL}$, however, the output voltage of CDAC deviates from its ideal value, leading to linearity error in the overall ADC transfer characteristic. One can show that the output voltage of CDAC can be expressed as

$V_{o u t}=V_{r e f} \frac{\left(C_{L}+C_{M}\right) C_{a}+\left(C_{L, t o t}+C_{P L}\right) C_{M}}{\left(C_{P L}+C_{L, t o t}\right)\left(C_{a}+C_{M, t o t}\right)+C_{a} C_{L, t o t}}$

where $C_{L,tot}$ and $C_{M,tot}$ are total capacitance excluding parasitic capacitance in LSB and MSB array of CDAC, respectively, and $C_{L}=\sum_{i=0}^{N / 2-i} 2^{i} \cdot C_{u} \cdot D[i]$ and $\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{M}}= \sum_{i=0}^{N / 2-i} 2^{j} \cdot C_{u} \cdot D\left[\frac{N}{2}+j\right]$ are code-dependent capacitance. Our analysis is in line with previous works[1,3] that analyzed the split-CDAC nonlinearity with some differences in notation.

Eq. (3) indicates that there are two main error sources in split CDAC: total parasitic capacitance at the LSB side of the bridge capacitor, $C_{PL}$ in Fig. 1, and the error in $C_{L}$ and $C_{M}$ due to the mismatches between unit capacitors. To correct these errors in the digital domain, redundant DAC analog levels are necessary to create room for correcting linearity errors in digital post processing. Such a redundancy can be embedded by using oversized bridge capacitor, i.e., $\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{a}}=\mathrm{a} \mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{a}, \mathrm{ideal}}$ with a > 1. Intuitively, the oversized bridge capacitance increases the total effective capacitance to ground at $V_{out}$. As a result, when the code changes in the MSB array, the actual DAC voltage step is smaller than the ideal voltage step, leading to a raw DAC output with non-monotonic transfer characteristic. In other words, redundant analog levels are purposely embedded in the CDAC transfer function, which can be utilized in calibrating overall SAR ADC linearity in digital domain.

Using larger $C_{a}$ increases the amount of redundancy, which is advantageous for correcting larger errors from non- idealities in CDAC. However, large $C_{a}$ comes at the cost of smaller effective DAC full-swing, which reduces the effective resolution of the DAC. Therefore, the oversizing factor α has to be chosen judiciously considering both the effective resolution and the amount of redundancy for linearity correction.

2. Weight Estimation Via Least-squares Minimization

With the redundancy in place by using oversized bridge capacitor, the prime goal is then to find out the best set of digital weight coefficients $w$[N : 0] = [$w_{N}$ $w_{N-1}$ $\cdots$ $w_{0}$] for raw digital bits. Many previous research works attempted to find the digital weight using custom digital hardware[7,12]. In this work, we present a software-based method that is more flexible than using the hardwired logic. In many commercial products such as high-performance instruments where the digitaldomain calibration is being used, the ADC co-exists with an embedded processor and therefore the software-based method has an advantage of re-using existing hardware resource in finding optimal digital weights.

Fig. 2 illustrates the entire calibration procedure. We inject a sinusoid with known frequency and unknown phase as a calibration-mode input signal, and corresponding raw ADC output with record length of $M$ is collected. To find the optimal digital weight, we formulate a following least-squares minimization problem as

Fig. 2. Flow char of the calibration.


minimize $\sum_{i=1}^{M}\left(y_{i}-d_{i}^{T} w\right)^{2}$

subject to $y_{i}=A_{s} \sin \left(2 \pi f_{s} t_{i}\right) +A_{c} \cos \left(2 \pi f_{s} t_{i}\right)$,

$i=1, \ldots, M$

where yi is the estimated sampled sinewave with known frequency $f_{s}$ at time $t_{i}$, is the $\mathrm{d}_{i}^{\mathrm{T}}$ is the ith row of ADC output matrix $D \in R^{M \cdot(N+1)}$ whereby element $d_{ij}$ in D is $j$th bit of SAR ADC output corresponding to $y_{i}$, and $w \in R^{N+1}$ is digital weight vector where each element $w_{i}$ is the optimization variable in the problem. Note that $A_{s}$ and $A_{c}$ are dummy optimization variables to jointly estimate the magnitude and phase of the input sinewave. The formulation in (4) is a convex optimization problem, and can be readily solved by using software packages. In this work, the algorithm in (4) is implemented in MATLAB by utilizing the optimization software package called CVX[13]. Being able to find optimal digital weight by solving a convex optimization brings many benefits. First, compared to custom-developed methods or histogram testing method, this method guarantees global optimality of the digital weights, which is inherent nature of least-squares minimization. Second, the optimization corrects both the unit capacitor mismatch as well as the linearity error from the parasitics in oversized bridge capacitor because the optimization problem does not distinguish the type of error sources; rather, it simply finds the best set of $w_{i}$ that minimizes the total error in least-squares sense. Note that the calibration using the digital weights by solving the problem (4) is linear in nature and hence is not able to calibrate the frequencydependent non-linearity; only unit capacitor mismatch and top-plate parasitic of the bridge capacitor are calibrated.

3. Numerical Experiment

In order to verify the presented calibration method, we created a MATLAB-based behavioral model of a SAR ADC with a bridge capacitor shown in Fig. 1. We consider a SAR ADC with 6-6 split CDAC with 20% of parasitic capacitance for the bridge capacitor, i .e. $C_{PL}$ = $0.2 C_{L,tot}$. For the unit capacitors, Gaussian errors are added assuming standard deviation of $\sigma$=3% for unit capacitance of $C_{u}$=10fF. To embed redundancy, oversized bridge capacitance of $C_{a}$ = $2C_{a.ideal}$ is used. In order to rule out the impact of noise, no thermal noise has been added to the model. For SNDR and error calculation, simulated ADC output is analyzed using IEEE effective-number-of-bits (ENOB) via the timedomain best- fit method[14].

Fig. 3 shows INL of an ADC output against ideal sinewave before and after the calibration. It is evident that the INL, ranging from -8.3 LSB to 8.3 LSB before the calibration, reduces drastically down to -0.34 LSB ~ +0.44 LSB after the calibration. In terms of SNDR, it improves from 41.08 dB to 74.05 dB after the calibration.

Fig. 3. Simulated residual error of SAR ADC using split CDAC with and without calibration.


To further investigate the relationship between SNDR improvement and the amount of required redundancy in a statistical sense, 1000 Monte Carlo simulations have been performed for two different values of attenuation capacitance $C_{a}$ = $\alpha \mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{a}, \text { ideal }}$: $\alpha$=1.3 and $\alpha$=1.8, where $\alpha$ = 1 corresponds to ideal bridge capacitance. Fig. 4(a) shows the distribution of post-calibrated SNDR after the calibration when $\alpha$=1.3. Due to insufficient redundancy, there is a long tail in the distribution where the worstcase SNDR can be as low as 63dB. In contrast, with $\alpha$=1.8 for larger redundancy, all voltage jumps across the code boundary and the post-calibrated SNDR distribution is narrowly confined between 72.5 dB and 74 dB. It is worth noting that the peak SNDR is however smaller when using $\alpha$=1.8; this is because larger redundancy range comes at the cost of DAC full scale reduction, hence the impact of quantization noise is more pronounced.

Fig. 4. Post-calibrated SNDR via Monte Carlo simulations when (a) $\alpha$=1.3, (b) $\alpha$=1.8.


We also explored how many ADC outputs are needed to reliably attain digital weights, as this is closely related to the physical time to complete the calibration. Fig. 5 shows the simulated SNDR for an ADC output while increasing the number of ADC outputs that are used in digital weight estimation. The graph indicates that only 70 ADC outputs are sufficient to reach stable performance. This is in contrast to other digital weight estimation algorithm[3-5], where up to over one thousand data points are used for comparable ADC total resolution. Such a distinctive advantage results from that our method leverages the efficiency of batch optimization that utilizes multiple data simultaneously when solving the least-squares minimization problem. On the contrary, updating the digital weights recursively at every conversion as demonstrated in [3-5][3-5] (this is also called online learning) is known to be less efficient and tends to converge slowly.

Fig. 5. Post-calibrated SNDR versus the number of ADC output samples used in the calibration.



As a test vehicle of presented calibration method, we designed a SAR ADC in 65-nm CMOS process using a differential binary-scaled CDAC with single attenuation capacitor. The overall ADC architecture is displayed in Fig. 6. The CDAC is designed for an effective resolution of 11-bit with extra 3-bit redundancy by using oversized bridge capacitor. The unit capacitor size is $C_{u}$ = 22$fF$, which is the smallest available capacitor in the foundryprovided design kit. We used $C_{a}$=$2C_{a,ideal}$ and this value was chosen based on extracted-simulations. The asynchronous SAR logic controls the DAC switching based on monotonic switching similar to the method presented in [15][15]. The calibration engine consists of a 4-bit counter with reset, a weight multiplexer, and an accumulator. The 4-bit counter generates the multiplexer selection signal by counting up the asynchronous clock pulse, and is reset by sampling clock. The multiplexer output sequentially provides the digital weights for each bit to the adder such that the calibration engine can be designed using a single accumulator, which leads to compact hardware implementation. A 16-bit width is used for all digital weights such that the accuracy of digital weight does not limit the overall performance. The digital calibration engine is synthesized using standard- cell library and the operation of the calibration engine has been fully verified in transistor-level simulation, but only the analog core is implemented on-chip. Fig. 7 shows the chip photograph along with the layout of the synthesized digital calibration engine. The ADC analog core occupies total active area of 0.08mm2 while the synthesized digital calibration engine occupies only 0.0025 mm2, which is only 3% of the analog core. The ADC has been tested using 5 MHz of sampling frequency under 0.7 V supply voltage and 0.6 V reference voltage. The analog core consumes 63.75 μW of power, while the simulated digital power is 9.03 μW. The optimal digital weights are found by first injecting sinusoid with known frequency and then running the optimization algorithm in MATLAB. Fig. 8 shows a representative INL plot for 100 kHz input sinusoid. The INL ranging from -8 LSB to 6.7 LSB before the calibration results from oversized bridge capacitor in CDAC. On the other hand, the post-calibrated INL in the bottom shows that the INL reduces to -0.68 LSB ~ +0.54 LSB after the calibration. From IEEE ENOB timedomain best fit, peak SNDR is 62.26dB after calibration.

Fig. 6. The architecture of the prototype SAR ADC using split CDAC.


Fig. 7. The layout image on top of the die photograph.


Fig. 8. The measured residual error of ADC output with and without the calibration.


Fig. 9 also shows the FFT result of near-Nyquist input with and without calibration. Since the measured SFDR is much higher than SNDR, the performance is primarily limited by the thermal noise after the calibration. Lastly, we performed two sets of measurement when 1) optimal digital weights are individually found at all input frequencies and 2) a single set of digital weight is used for all input frequency for the calibration. This is to verify that the optimal digital bit weight is not sensitive to the input signal frequency. Fig. 10 displays the measured SNDR versus input signal frequencies for two experiment setups. Evidently, two lines are almost indistinguishable, implying that the error due to the nonlinearity of the CDAC does not depend on the signal frequency. The SNDR drop with increasing signal frequency is due to the frequency-dependent nonlinearity in the sampling switch, which is not corrected by this calibration. Table 1 summarizes the comparison between this work and other state-of-the-art designs. The presented calibration method, while achieving comparable power efficiency and peak SNDR uses significantly fewer data samples (≈70 samples in this work) to obtain the optimal digital weights required to perform digital-domain calibration when compared to other works that use from 1000 to 1 million data samples for the calibration[3-5,10]. We believe that this characteristic can be leveraged for enhancing the efficiency of entire ADC calibration procedure. Additionally, since our method simultaneously finds optimal weights for all digital bits, it overcomes the limitations of adjusting just single digital weight associated with one attenuation capacitor[3-5].

Fig. 9. Measured FFT plot with 5MHz sample rate for 2.2MHz input sinewave.


Fig. 10. SNDR versus input signal frequency for a fixed (star) and individually optimized (circle) digital weights.


Table 1. Performance summary and comparison table

This work







Process [$nm$]








ADC Architecture








Supply Voltage $[V$]








Sample Rate [$MS/s$]








Total Power [$\mu W$]








SNDR (Peak) [$dB$]








SNDR (Nyquist) [$dB$]








Number of Samples for Cal.



1 Million





Area [$m m^{2}$]








FoMNyquist [$f J/conv.step$]







15.51 (at 10 kHz)

Digital Cal. Power [$\mu W$]








FoM = Power/(2ENOB· Sample rate). No calibration is used in [16][16] and [17][17]


This paper presented an efficient digital-domain calibration method that can be applied to the calibration of SAR ADC using a bridge capacitor in CDAC The method, based on least-squares optimization, simultaneously finds optimal digital weights for all digital bits in ADC raw output such a way that the calibrated ADC output achieves highest possible linearity. Both the behavioral simulation and measured result from the prototype ADC design prove the viability of the presented calibration method, which yields optimal digital weights that are insensitive to ADC input signal frequency in time-efficient manner. We believe that the presented fore- ground calibration method as well as the detailed circuit architecture of the compact digital calibration engine can be useful resource for designing power-efficient high-resolution SAR ADC designs in nanometer technologies.


This work was supported by the faculty research fund of Konkuk University 2017. The authors would like to thank IDEC for chip fabrication and CAD support


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Jae-Sik Yoon

received the B. S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea, in 2015.

He is currently working toward the ph. D degree at Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea.

His research interests include lowpower high speed Nyquist rate ADC.

Jin-Tae Kim

received the JINTAE KIM received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, in 1997, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from University of California, Los Angeles, CA, in 2004 and 2008, respectively.

He held various industry positions at Barcelona Design, Agilent Technologies (Now Keysight Technologies), SiTime Corporation, and Invensense, where he worked as a key technical contributor for various mixed-signal IC products.

He joined Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea in 2012 and is currently an Associate Professor in Electrical and electronics Engineering Department.

His current research area is low power mixed-signal IC designs for communication and sensor applications.

Dr. Kim currently serves on the Technical Program Committee of the IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuit Conference (ASSCC).