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  1. (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ajou University, Suwon 16944, Korea. Dong-Woo Jee is also with the Department of Intelligence Semiconductor Engineering Ajou University, Suwon 16944, Korea)

LED driver, PPG sensor, current calibration, fact settling, boost converter


Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a method that can detect the changes in blood volume inside capillary vessels by measuring reflected or transmitted light among the light irradiated on the human body. PPG can non-invasively measure heart rate or blood oxygen saturation, so it is widely used in medical devices and wearable sensors.

LED is generally used to irradiate light to the human body in PPG applications. LED driver generates the LED forward driving voltage that varies depending to the target brightness of the LED. In general, the following features are required for LED drivers for PPG applications. First, the drivers should control the current accurately, typically in the range of a few mA to 100 mA for closed-loop operation with a readout circuit [1]. Therefore, a calibration circuit for accurate current generation is essential [2]. A DC-DC conversion circuit is often required to generate various optimal turn-on voltages of the LEDs, which varies depending on LEDs’ output spectrum. This is because various LED lights such as red, green, and infra-red are used depending on the target PPG application [3,4]. Finally, duty-cycling of the LED driving is also essential since the LED driver is the dominant source of the power consumption in the PPG system [5].

However, to date, LED drivers for PPG systems have usually been implemented with simple circuits such as voltage drivers [6] or current sources [7-9] only. These drivers adjust the current level or duty-cycle with control signals from readout circuits, but they require several separate high supply voltages to drive various LEDs.

In this paper, we present a high-efficiency LED driver for PPG applications that meets previously mentioned requirements. For the current calibration, we propose NMOS resistor array and RC-time constant based calibration technique. Pulse-width (PW) prediction technique is also proposed which improves the settling time of the boost converter, eliminating unnecessary power consumption during the loop settling. The article is organized as follows. Section II describes the proposed driver circuits. Section III presents simulation results and section IV concludes this paper.


1. The Proposed LED Driver Circuit

Top diagram of the proposed driver is shown in Fig. 1. First, NMOS resistor array (NRA) generated LED current I$_{\mathrm{LED}}$ whose dc quantity is defined by the control signal B$_{\mathrm{I \_ LED}}$ and whose duty-cycle is defined by the control signal B$_{\mathrm{D \_ LED}}$. The current control is performed in all-digital way by adjusting the number of NMOS resistors in the array. The current calibration code (CLB) is provided by the NRA calibrator which detect the process variation of the circuit.

Fig. 1. Top structure of the proposed LED driver.

The PWM based boost convertor keeps V$_{\mathrm{LED \_ C}}$ to V$_{\mathrm{ref}}$ by the closed loop operation and generates V$_{\mathrm{OUT}}$which is determined by the I$_{\mathrm{LED}}$and the LED’s I-V characteristics. The control loop consists of a comparator, counter, digital loop filter (DLF) and pulse-width modulation (PWM) signal (SW) generator. PW predictor initializes PWM control code (PW$_{\mathrm{SW}}$) by calculating its initial code (PW$_{\mathrm{PRD}}$) with control inputs (B$_{\mathrm{I \_ LED}}$, B$_{\mathrm{D \_ LED}}$, B$_{\mathrm{V \_ LED}}$, and B$_{\mathrm{R \_ LED}}$) with proposed PW prediction technique. B$_{\mathrm{V \_ LED}}$ and B$_{\mathrm{R \_ LED}}$ are turn on voltage and equivalent resistance of LED, respectively, which are typically obtained from the LED datasheet.

2. NMOS Resistor Array & Calibrator Circuit

Conventional current control circuit adopts digital-to-analog converter (DAC) [9] and reduces power consumption of current DAC by taking high current amplification ratio with large output driving transistor. However, the output transistor experiences a larger V$_{\mathrm{GS}}$ change with wider output current range, and necessarily needs a high V$_{\mathrm{DS}}$ to remain in a saturation region. In addition, the duty-cycling of the current sources needs additional settling time for analog node voltages.

In this work, we use NMOS transistor as a resistor for direct output driving current generation. The unit cell of NRA is shown in Fig. 2. The unit cell consists of k+1$^{\mathrm{th}}$ stacked NMOS transistors and control logics. Stacked transistor minimizes the area consumption while achieving high resistance for a precise current control. The calibration code CLB[0:k] adjusts the number of NMOS transistors turned on so that the current flowing from each unit cell is 1 mA. DUTY signal is LED duty-cycling signal based on B$_{\mathrm{D \_ LED}}$ input, and collectively turns on and off all the NMOS resistors selected with CLB. One digit of T$_{\mathrm{I \_ LED}}$ controls one unit cell, and a total of 100-unit cells are used to generate 1-100 mA current.

Fig. 2. Unit cell of NMOS resistor array.

The proposed all digital control not only eliminates static power consumption for LED current generation but also facilitate accurate duty-cycle control. In addition, since the V$_{\mathrm{LED \_ C}}$ is fixed to V$_{\mathrm{ref}}$, the power efficiency is maximized by minimizing the V$_{\mathrm{DS}}$ of the transistors regardless of the change in I$_{\mathrm{LED}}$ or LED turn-on voltage.

The NRA calibrator circuit and its timing diagram are shows in Fig. 3 and 4. V$_{\mathrm{LED \_ C}}$ is sampled in the C$_{\mathrm{CLB}}$ with SPL signal and discharged through NRA replica with DSC signal. NRA replica is designed to draw five times smaller current than NRA unit cell to reduce power consumption. Then the capacitor voltage V$_{\mathrm{CLB}}$ and V$_{\mathrm{CLB \_ REF}}$ are compared with the rising edge of SEN with a clocked comparator. Therefore, RC-discharging time defined by C$_{\mathrm{CLB}}$ and NRA replica is compared to the half clock period(1/2${\cdot}$T$_{\mathrm{CLK}}$$_{\mathrm{IN}}$), and the NRA resistance variation can be extracted.

Fig. 3. NRA calibrator.
Fig. 4. Timing diagram of NRA calibrator.

However, the comparison result also includes the impact of process variation of C$_{\mathrm{CLB}}$. We adopt the look-up table (LUT) to remove it. First, the comparator output is integrated to up/down counter and its k+1 most significant bits (MSBs) are used for CNT$_{\mathrm{CLB}}$. Then, LUT translates CNT$_{\mathrm{CLB}}$ to final NRA calibration code CLB. Fig. 5 shows the CNT$_{\mathrm{CLB}}$-CLB transfer curve for the LUT. It was designed by linearly approximating each of the 5 process corners simulation results.

Fig. 5. Fitting curve for LUT design.

3. Boost Converter

Fig. 6 shows designed inductor-based boost converter circuit. The CMOS controlled rectifier (CCR) and level shifter are used to increase power efficiency of the converter [10]. External inductor of 5 ${\mu}$H is used for L$_{\mathrm{S}}$ whose series resistance is 18.4~m${\Omega}$ (Bourns, SRR6040A5R0Y). External capacitor of 200 ${\mu}$F is used for C$_{\mathrm{OUT}}$ to minimize the change in I$_{\mathrm{LED}}$ due to V$_{\mathrm{OUT}}$ ripple to within 1%. Therefore, since the minimum average I$_{\mathrm{LED}}$ is 1 ${\mu}$A at 1 mA output current and 0.1% duty, the required DLF bandwidth for stability should be very low, because of the low frequency output pole at V$_{\mathrm{OUT}}$, which significantly increases the settling time.

Fig. 6. Circuit diagram of the boost converter.

The circuit diagram of the DLF is shown in Fig. 7 The proposed PW predictor, which will be described in the next section, provide calculated target pulse width (PW$_{\mathrm{PRD}}$) for the fast settling. Since the integrator value of DLF should be overwritten with PW$_{\mathrm{PRD}}$ only when there is a difference from the target value, whether to update the integrator value is determined by comparing the current and past PW$_{\mathrm{PRD}}$. Loop filter output PW$_{\mathrm{SW}}$ has 8-b resolution and the period of the PWM switching signal SW (T$_{\mathrm{SW}}$) is 256${\times}$T$_{\mathrm{CLKIN}}$.

Fig. 7. Circuit diagram of the digital loop filter.

The proportional gain ${\alpha}$ and the integral gain ${\beta}$ of the DLF can be determined as follows. First, the control-to-output transfer function G$_{\mathrm{vd}}$(s) can be obtained by setting the input voltage change $\widehat{v_{in}}\left(s\right)$ to zero and solving the transfer function from the change $\hat{d}\left(s\right)$of the duty cycle of SW$_{\mathrm{OUT}}$ to the output voltage change $\widehat{v_{out}}\left(s\right)$[11].

$G_{vd}\left(s\right)=\left.\frac{\widehat{v_{out}}}{\hat{d}}\right| _{\widehat{v_{in}}=0}=\frac{G_{d0}}{1+\frac{s}{\omega _{p}}} \\$
$G_{d0}=\frac{2V_{OUT}}{D}\frac{M-1}{2M-1} \\$
$M=\frac{1+\sqrt{1+4R_{LED}/R_{e}}}{2} $

In (2) and (3), D is the duty cycle of SW$_{\mathrm{OUT}}$, R$_{\mathrm{LED}}$ is the load resistance, and R$_{\mathrm{e}}$ is the effective resistance of M$_{\mathrm{SW}}$. The designed boost converter operates in discontinuous conduction mode (DCM). In DCM, the voltage conversion ratio of the boost converter is a function of the switch's operating duty ratio, switching period, inductance, and load resistance [11]. The relationship between the current and voltage of an LED can be expressed by the following equation [13]:


To derive the load resistance, LED is modeled as a resistor R$_{\mathrm{LED}}$ with a turn-on voltage V$_{\mathrm{on}}$ as follows.

$R_{LED}=\frac{V_{F}}{I_{F}+I_{s}}\times \frac{1}{\ln \left(I_{F}/I_{s}+1\right)} \\$
$V_{on}=V_{F}-I_{F}~ R_{LED} $

In (4), I$_{\mathrm{S}}$, V$_{\mathrm{F}}$ and I$_{\mathrm{F}}$ are the reverse bias saturation current, forward voltage and forward current specified in the LED’s datasheet, respectively.

Lastly, due to the large capacitance of the output stage, it is considered as a 1-pole system, and the pole frequency ($\omega _{p})$ can be calculated by the following equation.

$\omega _{p}=\frac{2M-1}{\left(M-1\right)R_{LED}C_{OUT}}$

Therefore, the parameters ${\alpha}$ and ${\beta}$ can be obtained by taking the bilinear transform [12] in the continuous time Eq. (1).

4. PW Predictor

The M$_{\mathrm{SW}}$ turn-on time (T$_{\mathrm{SW,on}}$) for the PWM control of the boost converter is determined by the load current (I$_{\mathrm{LED}}$) and the output voltage V$_{\mathrm{out}}$. I$_{\mathrm{LED}}$ are obtained from the control input B$_{\mathrm{I \_ LED.}}$V$_{\mathrm{OUT}}$ is derived as

$V_{OUT}=~ V_{LED\_ C}+V_{ON}+I_{LED}\cdot R_{LED}$

V$_{\mathrm{LED \_ C}}$ is converged to V$_{\mathrm{ref}}$ with the loop operation, and V$_{\mathrm{ON}}$ and R$_{\mathrm{LED}}$ are obtained from the control input B$_{\mathrm{V \_ LED}}$ and B$_{\mathrm{R \_ LED}}$. Therefore, by analyzing the boost converter operation, target T$_{\mathrm{SW,on}}$ at a given operating point can be calculated and used for the fast settling of the loop.

T$_{\mathrm{SW,on}}$ calculation process is as follow: First, since the voltage across the inductor when the switch is turned on in the boost converter operation is input supply voltage V$_{\mathrm{IN}}$, the maximum current i$_{\mathrm{L,max}}$ flowing through the inductor is derived as follows.


In (9), L$_{\mathrm{S}}$ is the inductance of the inductor. If the voltage across the inductor when the switch is off is V$_{\mathrm{OUT}}$-V$_{\mathrm{IN}}$, and the time taken for the inductor to be completely discharged when the switch is off is T$_{\mathrm{sw,off}}$, the following equation can be derived.

$i_{L,max}=\left(V_{OUT}-V_{IN}\right)~ T_{sw,off}/L_{S}$

Combining (9) and (10), we get:


The switch M$_{\mathrm{SW}}$ operates only when the LED is turned-on, which is defined by NRA turn on time (T$_{\mathrm{DUTY,on}}$) for LED duty-cycling defined by the control input B$_{\mathrm{D \_ LED}}$. Therefore, during one cycle of DUTY, the M$_{\mathrm{SW}}$ operates n times, The n should be integer and is calculated as follows.

$n=T_{DUTY,on}/T_{sw}\fallingdotseq T_{DUTY,on}/T_{sw}+1$

Therefore, the input average power (P$_{\mathrm{IN,avg}}$) is derived as:


$P_{IN,avg}=\frac{V_{IN}\times n\times i_{L,max}\times \left(T_{sw,on}+T_{sw,off}\right)}{2T_{DUTY}}$

$=\frac{{V_{IN}}^{2}\times n\times {T_{sw,on}}^{2}}{2L_{S}T_{DUTY}}\times \frac{V_{OUT}}{V_{OUT}-V_{IN}}$

And the output average power (P$_{\mathrm{OUT,avg}}$) is:

$P_{OUT,avg}=V_{OUT}~ \left(I_{LED}\frac{T_{DUTY,on}}{T_{DUTY}}+I_{DC}\right)$

In (14), I$_{\mathrm{LED}}$ is the LED current and is defined by the control input B$_{\mathrm{I \_ LED}}$. I$_{\mathrm{DC}}$ is a dc biasing current for CCR and level shifter in the boost converter, which is obtained from SPICE circuit simulations. T$_{\mathrm{DUTY}}$ is the period of the LED duty-cycling (12${\times}$256${\times}$T$_{\mathrm{CLK}}$$_{\mathrm{IN}}$). Finally, assuming that the average power supplied through the inductor L$_{\mathrm{S}}$ and the power dissipated from V$_{\mathrm{OUT}}$ are the same, (13) and (14) are equal, we obtain T$_{\mathrm{SW,on}}$ as follow


$T_{sw,on}=\sqrt{\frac{2\cdot L_{S}\cdot T_{DUTY}\cdot T_{SW}}{\left(T_{DUTY,ON}+T_{SW}\right)\cdot V_{IN}^{2}}}\times$

$\sqrt{\left(V_{OUT}-V_{IN}\right)\cdot \left(I_{LED}\frac{T_{DUTY,ON}}{T_{DUTY}}+I_{DC}\right)}$

PW predictor performs digital signal processing of the Eq. (15) from control input (B$_{\mathrm{I \_ LED}}$${\rightarrow}$I$_{\mathrm{LED}}$, B$_{\mathrm{D \_ LED}}$${\rightarrow}$ T$_{\mathrm{DUTY \_ ON}}$, B$_{\mathrm{V \_ LED}}$and B$_{\mathrm{R \_ LED}}$${\rightarrow}$V$_{\mathrm{OUT}}$) and circuit design parameters (L$_{\mathrm{S}}$, V$_{\mathrm{IN}}$, I$_{\mathrm{DC}}$, T$_{\mathrm{DUTY}}$, T$_{\mathrm{SW}}$). Processed output is 8-b PW$_{\mathrm{PRD}}$ code, which generates T$_{\mathrm{SW,on}}$ of PW$_{\mathrm{PRD}}$ $\times $T$_{\mathrm{CLK}}$$_{\mathrm{IN}}$.


Proposed driver circuit is designed with 180-nm CMOS process. Digital signal processing circuits including DLF and PW predictor are implemented with digital synthesis. For the simple digital circuit implementation, we use the repeated subtraction method [14] for the square root operation. Maximum simulated efficiency is 89% at 100 mA, 100% duty with green LED (Osram, LGT676). From the LED datasheet and the Eqs. (5) and (6), V$_{\mathrm{on}}$ and R$_{\mathrm{LED}}$ are calculated as 1.84 V and 13 ${\Omega}$, respectively. The supply voltage (V$_{\mathrm{IN}}$) is 1 V. For CLK$_{\mathrm{IN}}$, 10 MHz is used. V$_{\mathrm{ref}}$ is set to 200 mV. Output voltage (V$_{\mathrm{OUT}}$) is 1.3-4.5 V with an input voltage (V$_{\mathrm{IN}}$) of 1 V through boost converter control.

Fig. 8 shows simulated output current over process variation. The result shows the maximum current error is 23% at FF corner, but it is improved to less than 0.5% with the proposed calibration technique.

Fig. 8. Output current accuracy over process variation.

Fig. 9 shows the transient simulation result with 100~mA I$_{\mathrm{LED}}$ and 100${\rightarrow}$0.1% duty change at t=0. It takes unacceptably long time for V$_{\mathrm{OUT}}$ to be settled without the proposed technique, because the PW$_{\mathrm{SW}}$ slowly decreases due to the low loop bandwidth while the power consumption in the LED is dropped by 1/1000 with the duty change. By the proposed PW prediction technique, PW$_{\mathrm{SW}}$ code is immediately changed from 79 to 10 and the settling time of V$_{\mathrm{out}}$ (<0.1% error) is greatly improved from 14.307 s to 124 ms.

Fig. 9. Transient simulation results of boost converter.

Tables 1 and 2 summarize the performance of the proposed LED driver for PPG and compare it with previously published LED drivers and DC-DC converters. The proposed LED driver is the only work that integrates several essential features for PPG applications, a wide-range duty cycling, accurate current control and DC-DC converter supporting various types of LEDs. The power efficiency of the boost converter is also comparable to other state of the art works.

Table 1. Performance comparison (LED driver for PPG)




This work


0.18 μm

0.18 μm

0.13 μm

0.18 μm



1.2/3.3 V

1/2.5 V

1.5/2.7 V

1 V



5 mA


103.2 mA

50 mA

1-100 mA

LED duty






Current Calibration






DC-DC Converter





(w. Fast Settling)

Table 2. Performance comparison (DC-DC converter)




This work


0.35 μm

0.35 μm

0.5 μm

0.18 μm



0.9-1.2 V

6-27 V

3.5-5 V

1 V

Clock Frequency

667 kHz

39 kHz

2 MHz

10 MHz

Maximum Efficiency






A 0.1-100% duty-cycled, 1-100 mA, 89% efficiency LED driver for PPG application is presented. Proposed current generation using digitally controlled NRA facilitates duty-cycle control, and the RC-time based calibration technique reduces current error over process variations to less than 0.5%. The PW predictor calculates required pulse-width corresponding the given load condition, and greatly improves the settling time even with the low loop bandwidth of wide operating range boost converter.


This research was supported by National R&D Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by Ministry of Science and ICT(RS-2023-00258227). The EDA tools were supported by IDEC.


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Sung-Won Lim

Sung-Won Lim received B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the Ajou University, Suwon, South Korea, in 2021 and 2023, respectively. His research interests include power conversion circuits circuits for biomedical applications.

Dong-Woo JEE

Dong-Woo JEE received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electronic and electrical engineering from the Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, South Korea, in 2006, 2009, and 2013, respectively. From 2011 to 2012, he was a Visiting Researcher with the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. From 2013 to 2015, he was an Analog IC Designer with the Biomedical Circuit group, imec, Leuven, Belgium. In 2015, he joined Ajou University, Suwon, South Korea, where he is currently a Professor. From 2021 to 2022, he was a Visiting Scholar with the Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA. His research interests include circuit techniques for analog/digital frequency synthesizer phase-locked loop, ultra-low-power clock generation for sensor node system, sensor interface circuits, in-sensor computing, and mixed signal circuits for biomedical applications. Dr. Jee was a recipient of the Gold Prize at the 17th HumanTech Paper Award hosted by Samsung Electronics in 2011.