An Jongchan1
Yu Seung-Myeong1
Jeong Junwon2*
Song Junyoung1*
(Department of Electronics Engineering, Incheon National University, Incheon 22012,
(Department of Electronics Engineering, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul 04310,
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
Injection-locking, digital FLL, time-to-digital-converter, wireline communication
A SIPLL has been proposed as an efficient solution for a low-phase-noise clock generator
with a compact area. In modern SoCs, fast locking time is a requirement for the clock
generator to reduce the frequency switching time during dynamic frequency scaling.
A previously proposed SIPLL [1], which employed subsampling to improve jitter performance, had the drawback of being
ineffective against PVT and slow lock time. Also [2], with low phase noise in a self-calibrated approach, has the disadvantage of consuming
a lot of power. [3-5] are structures that ensure stability, accurate injection timing, and resistance to
PVT but have the disadvantages of large size and complicated hardware. To overcome
these shortcomings of the SIPLL, a digital FLL-based SIPLL is proposed with SEDD-FD
and Frequency Offset Calibration (FOC) using the RM-TDC.
Fig. 1 shows the overall architecture of the proposed SIPLL. The frequency of the ring oscillator
is adjusted by the Digital Frequency Locked Loop (DFLL), and the frequency offset
is detected and cancelled by the FOC loop. In the lock-state, the frequency of DIV$_{\mathrm{CK}}$,
f$_{\mathrm{DIV}}$, is set to twice that of REF$_{\mathrm{CK}}$, f$_{\mathrm{REF}}$.
The SEDD-FD detects the current frequency and generates a MODE signal that determines
the mode of the UP/DN counter. The pulse generator outputs Pul$_{\mathrm{inj,r}}$
and Pul$_{\mathrm{inj,f}}$, which are generated at the rising and falling edges of
REF$_{\mathrm{CK}}$, respectively. Pul$_{\mathrm{inj,r}}$ is directly injected into
the VCO, and Pul$_{\mathrm{inj,f}}$ is used to detect the frequency offset. After
LD$_{\mathrm{Fre}}$ is turned on, the RM-TDC starts detecting the phase difference
between OUT$_{\mathrm{CK}}$ and Pul$_{\mathrm{inj,r}}$. Then, the phase difference
between OUT$_{\mathrm{CK}}$ and Pul$_{\mathrm{inj,f}}$ is detected. The detection
results are compared in the offset canceller, and the output of the offset canceller
is fed to the current steering type conventional DAC. Because the phase of OUT$_{\mathrm{CK}}$
is decided by Pul$_{\mathrm{inj,r}}$ without any additional phase control loop, the
injection timing is automatically adjusted, and stability issues are solved.
Fig. 1. The proposed SIPLL with a digital FLL and frequency offset cancelation.
1. DFLL using SEDD-FD
Fig. 2 shows the flow chart of the SIPLL. The synthesized SEDD-FD controls the operating
flow of the DFLL, and the synthesized offset canceller controls the FOC. REF$_{\mathrm{CK}}$
is sampled by the rising and falling edges of DIV$_{\mathrm{CK}}$, and the results
are saved to S[0:3]. If S[0:3] matches with 0011, 1100, 1001 or 0110, the UP/DN counter
stops and starts to increase the output of the 12-bit counter in the SEDD-FE. The
unlock state is detected while the phase of DIV$_{\mathrm{CK}}$ is moved because of
the frequency mismatch, and the operation of the DFLL finishes if the output of the
12-bit counter reaches the maximum value. As shown in the timing diagram of the SEDD-FD,
if f$_{\mathrm{REF}}$ is faster than half of f$_{\mathrm{DIV}}$, the direction of
the rising edges from S[3] to S[0] changes from left to right. Conversely, if f$_{\mathrm{REF}}$ is slower than f$_{\mathrm{DIV}}$/2,
the direction is opposite. This direction is detected by the SEDD-FD, and the direction
is fixed until the frequency state changes. Because of this characteristic, f$_{\mathrm{DIV}}$
monotonically changes until it reaches the target frequency, and this operation reduces
the frequency locking time.
Fig. 2. Flow chart of the SIPLL, and block and timing diagrams of the proposed SEDD-FD.
2. Frequency Offset Cancelation (FOC)
Detailed timing diagram of the FOC is shown in Fig. 3. In the lock state, the phase difference between Pul$_{\mathrm{inj,r}}$ and the following
edge of OUT$_{\mathrm{CK}}$, t$_{\mathrm{diff,r}}$, matches that between Pul$_{\mathrm{inj,f}}$
and the following edge of OUT$_{\mathrm{CK}}$, t$_{\mathrm{diff,f}}$. If OUT$_{\mathrm{CK}}$
is slower than the target frequency, t$_{\mathrm{diff,f}}$ is larger than t$_{\mathrm{diff,r}}$,
and the difference is 0.5N/f$_{\mathrm{offset}}$. In contrast, if OUT$_{\mathrm{CK}}$
is faster than the target frequency, t$_{\mathrm{diff,f}}$ becomes t$_{\mathrm{diff,r}}$
- 0.5N/f$_{\mathrm{offset}}$. As a result, the frequency mismatch is multiplied by
N/2, and the actual resolution of the RM-TDC is multiplied by as much as N/2 with
the help of the FOC. The following edges after Pul$_{\mathrm{inj,r}}$ or Pul$_{\mathrm{inj,f}}$
could be either a rising or a falling edge due to the operating condition. Therefore,
TDC$_{\mathrm{r}}$ and TDC$_{\mathrm{f}}$ are processed in the offset canceller to
find the difference between TDC$_{\mathrm{r}}$ and TDC$_{\mathrm{f}}$, unrelated to
the following edges. In the case of TDC with sub-ps resolution or the 1-bit TDC, random
noise might be detected by the TDC, and the unwanted noise information is included
in the detected phase difference. However, in the FOC, because the noise information
is not multiplied, it can be filtered by the relatively large resolution of the RM-TDC.
Also, the mismatch between the RM-TDC cells can be filtered. Therefore, only the phase
difference is detected, and it can cancel the frequency offset.
Fig. 3. Timing diagram of the proposed FOC with RM-TDC.
The proposed SIPLL is fabricated in a 65 nm CMOS process, and the active area is 0.052
mm$^{2}$ as shown in Fig. 4. The measured phase noise at 3.6 GHz is presented in Fig. 5, using a 200 MHz reference clock with a fixed duty cycle of 50${\pm}$1\% during the
measurement, which is critical in FOC. Before the injection pulse is applied to the
VCO, the frequency mismatch is less than 1 MHz due to the FOC. However, as shown in
Fig. 5, the in-band noise at 100 kHz without injection locking is -67.44 dBc/Hz because
of the FLL characteristic. The in-band noise at 100 kHz with injection locking improves
to -103.86 dBc/Hz. Also, the integrated jitter from 100 kHz to 1.8 GHz is 676 fs.
The performance of the proposed SIPLL is compared with previous works in Table 1. Compared with previous works which have similar specifications, the proposed SIPLL
has smaller occupied area and power consumption. Furthermore, even though the integration
range of this work is up to 1.8GHz, the integrated jitter performance and FoM is similar
or better.
Fig. 4. Chip microphotograph of the proposed SIPLL.
Fig. 5. Measured phase noises with the proposed digital FLL and SIPLL.
Table 1. Performance comparison
In this article, a DFLL-based SIPLL with RM-TDC for frequency offset cancellation
is presented. In order to reduce the frequency lock time, the proposed design took
use of the monotonic change in SEDD-FD. Additionally, using the resolution of RM-TDC
for filtering, the frequency offset was suppressed. The measured integrated jitter
is 676fs$_{\mathrm{RMS}}$ and the phase noise at a 1~MHz is -105.79 dBc/Hz. The proposed
SIPLL is fabricated in a 65 nm CMOS process and the active area is 0.052 mm$^{2}$.
This work was supported by Incheon National University (International Cooperative)
Research Grant in 2018: fabrication was supported by the MPW of IDEC.
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Jongchan An received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electronics engi-neering from
Incheon National University, Incheon, South Korea, in 2021, 2023, respectively. Where
he is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in integrated circuit and systems Lab. He
is currently conducting research on clock generators, clock and data recovery circuit
in memory interfaces and high-speed wireline transceivers.
Seung-Myeong Yu received the B.S. and M.S. degree in electronics engineering from
Incheon National University, Incheon, South Korea, in 2019 and 2021, respectively,
where he is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in integrated circuits and systems.
His research interests include memory interfaces, high-speed wireline transceivers.
Junwon Jeong (S’12, M’19) received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering
from Korea University, Seoul, South Korea, in 2012 and 2019, respectively. From 2015
to 2016, he was a Visiting Researcher at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI,
USA. In 2019, he worked as a senior researcher at Samsung Electronics, Suwon, South
Korea. In 2019, he joined Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI), Seongnam,
South Korea, as a senior researcher. Since 2021, he has been with the Department of
Electronics Engineering, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea, where he
is currently an assistant professor. His research interests include integrated power
management system designs, low-voltage low-power CMOS analog circuit designs, energy
harvesting circuit designs, and fuel gauging circuit designs.
Junyoung Song (S’08, M’14) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electronics engineering
and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from Korea University,
Seoul, South Korea, in 2008, 2010, and 2014, respectively. In 2012, he was a Visiting
Scholar with the University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA. In
2014, he joined the Analog Serial I/O Group, Intel Corporation, San Jose, CA, where
he was involved in the wireline transceiver design for high-performance FPGA. Since
2018, he has been with the School of Electronics Engineering, Incheon National University,
Incheon, South Korea, where he is currently an Associate Professor. He has coauthored
the book High-Bandwidth Memory Interface (Springer, 2013). His research interests
include the high-speed wireline transceiver, memory, and clock generator. Dr. Song
was a recipient of the Minister of Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Award
at the Korea Semiconductor Design Contest in 2011 and the IEEE Seoul Section Student
Paper Contest Bronze Award in 2011 and 2013. He is serving on the Technical Program
Committee of the IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference.