(Dept. of Robotics Engineering, Yeungnam University, 280 Daehak-ro, Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk
38541, Korea)
(Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Yeungnam University, 280 Daehak-ro, Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk
38541, Korea)
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Key words
CMOS, current mode, low power, pseudo differential, relaxation oscillator, temperature compensation
On-chip RC oscillators in a CMOS process have advanced to replace crystal-based oscillators
for ultra-low power and small form factor applications, including digital hearing
aids and ultrasonic transducers. High frequency stability of CMOS RC oscillators over
process, voltage, and temperature variations is required for various sensor applications.
A relaxation oscillator scheme is one of the good candidates for a CMOS RC oscillator
to acquire high frequency stability over temperature variation (1-9). There are two modes to configure an RC relaxation oscillator: one is the voltage
mode and the other is the current mode.
Current-mode relaxation oscillators were recently introduced to acquire both higher
power efficiency and area compactness compared with voltage mode relaxation oscillators
(1-3). Current sources and RC networks in current-mode relaxation oscillators have been
optimized in previous works to compensate low frequency stability. However, an additional
frequency divider can be required to get 50% duty cycle differential output. In (4), a relaxation oscillator that adopts a dual-phase mode configuration has obtained
50% duty cycle with extremely low power consumption. However, the oscillator, which
has a frequency variation of 2% over 20 to 100 °C, is still not robust to temperature
In this letter, we propose a pseudo-differential relaxation oscillator in a 65-nm
CMOS process. In order to bring the clock phase close to 50%, we designed a pseudo-differential
comparator that can self-calibrate the phase. The temperature compensated RC networks
in the comparators were designed to have a constant charge and discharge time according
to temperature variation. The stable current references, which are generated by using
two types of transistors with different temperature coefficients, reduced the additional
frequency variation with regard to temperature. The proposed oscillator achieved a
low frequency variation of 41.8 ppm/°C from 20 to 100 °C. The figure of merit (FOM)
value of the proposed voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) was 179.5 dB.
The core of the proposed relaxation VCO is shown in Fig. 1(a). It consisted of a current-mode comparator, set-reset (SR) latch, and inverter chain.
Although a current-mode comparator can decrease the area and power (3), it has a single-ended output and high frequency variation with regard to temperature.
Fig. 1. Proposed relaxation VCO (a) architecture, (b) timing diagram.
Fig. 2. Proposed relaxation VCO schematic.
In this design, two identical current-mode comparators with RC networks were introduced
to acquire a dual-phase signal with on/off status by switching alternately. When switches
$\textit{S}$$_{1}$ and $\textit{S}$$_{3}$ were turned on, the current $\textit{I}$$_{ref}$
charged a capacitor $\textit{C}$$_{C2}$ of the right comparator, as shown in Fig. 1(b). In the opposite case, the current $\textit{I}$$_{ref}$ charged a capacitor $\textit{C}$$_{C1}$
of the left comparator.
The SR latch with the pseudo-differential inverter chain was able to reduce the mismatch
between the dual-phase signals from each comparator (4).
The RC networks consisted of resistors and capacitors with different temperature coefficients
(TC) to mitigate the charge and discharge period variations that occur with temperature
change. Fig. 1(b) shows that the voltages $\textit{V}$$_{C1}$ and $\textit{V}$$_{C2}$ of the RC networks
are given by
where$V_{{C_{C}}}$is the voltage charged by the capacitor, $\textit{V}$$_{initial}$
is the initial value at the resistor $\textit{R}$$_{C}$, $\textit{I}$$_{ref}$ is the
reference current, and $\textit{T}$ is the period of the oscillator. Eq. (1) shows that a period of time at which $\textit{V}$$_{C}$$\textit{(t)}$ and $\textit{V}$$_{ref}$
concide can be maintained regardless of the temperature variation of $\textit{V}$$_{C}$$\textit{(t)}$
if the variations of $\textit{V}$$_{C}$$\textit{(t)}$ of by $\textit{${\Delta}$I}$$_{ref}$
and $\textit{${\Delta}$R}$$_{C}$ with temperature are cancelled.
A schematic of the proposed VCO is shown in Fig. 2. The circuit comprised a pseudo-differential current-mode comparator, current reference
with a voltage reference, and clock buffer.
We implemented the combined current source, which was composed of a current source
($\textit{M}$$_{R6}$~$\textit{M}$$_{R10}$) with a positive TC and a weighted current
source ($\textit{M}$$_{R1}$~$\textit{M}$$_{R5}$) with a negative TC, by offsetting
the two differences (5). Each current source was designed with two types of transistors that had different
gate-oxide thicknesses to provide low frequency variation. It provided the current
to the voltage reference, comparator, and clock buffer with the SR-latch. To compare
$\textit{V}$$_{C}$ with $\textit{V}$$_{ref}$ precisely, $\textit{R}$$_{ref}$ had a
series connection configuration of a p+ poly resistor and a p+ diffusion resistor
that had opposite TC characteristics. As shown in Fig. 2, the voltage reference circuits configured with the combined current source and $\textit{R}$$_{ref}$
function to minimize the temperature change in $\textit{V}$$_{ref}$. The variation
of $\textit{V}$$_{ref}$ is simulated to be under 0.2 mV in the temperature from 20
to 100 $^{\circ}$C. The clock buffer was adopted to the pseudo-differential inverter-chain
with an ultra-low power current reference to reduce power consumption. The varactors
$\textit{C}$$_{var}$ were connected with the RC networks of the comparator to acquire
a tuning range of approximately 10%.
Table 1. Performance summary and comparison
This works
(nm CMOS)
Freq. (MHz)
Area (mm2)
Temp. Coefficient
Freq. Tuning Range (%)
PDC (μW)
FOM (dB)
The proposed relaxation VCO was implemented in a 65-nm CMOS process. Fig. 3 shows a chip photograph of the VCO. The die size of the VCO was 150 μm × 110 μm excluding
pads. The chip, which was mounted on a 0.6-mm-thick FR4 printed circuit board (PCB)
for DC biases, was connected to a SMA connector for measurement. The output spectrum
was measured using an Agilent N9030A signal analyzer. The VCO including 3-stage buffers
dissipated 40 μW with a supply voltage of 1 V. As shown in Fig. 4, the covered tuning range of the VCO ranges from 4.75 to 5.09 MHz with a control
voltage range of 0 to 1 V. Fig. 5 shows that the average TC is 41.8 ppm/$^{\circ}$C from a temperature of 20 to 100
$^{\circ}$C at the control voltage of 1 V. In the whole control voltage range of 0
to 1 V, the VCO achieved 42-121 ppm/$^{\circ}$C of the low average TC from a temperature
of 20 to 100 $^{\circ}$C, as shown in Fig. 6. Table 1 summarizes the performance of the proposed VCO and compares it with
Fig. 3. Chip photo of the implemented oscillator.
Fig. 4. Measured output frequency versus supply voltage.
Fig. 5. Measured output frequency versus temperature.
other state-of-the-art oscillators. The FOM is defined by
Fig. 6. Measured output frequency versus temperature in the whole control voltage
range of 0 to 1 V.
where $\textit{P}$$_{DC}$ is DC power consumption in W, area is the chip size in mm$^{2}$,
and $\textit{TC}$ is the temperature coefficient in ppm/°C (4). The proposed VCO has the highest FOM among published works.
We proposed a 5-MHz CMOS relaxation VCO that was composed of a pseudo-differential
current-mode comparator with a low TC RC circuit. The proposed structure reduced the
change of the charge and discharge periods. A current reference was configured with
two types of gate-oxide transistor combinations to lower the frequency variation of
the VCO during low power operation. The VCO achieved a low TC of 41.8 ppm/°C from
20 to 100 °C with a tuning range of 4.75-5.08 MHz. Under a supply voltage of 1 V,
the VCO consumed 40~μW.
The authors would like to thank the Integrated Circuit Design Education Center (IDEC)
for their support in computer-aided design (CAD) tools. This research was funded by
the 2018 Yeungnam University Research Grant (No. 218A580061). It was also supported
by a National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korean government
(MSIT) (No. 2019R1G1A1003865).
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received the B.S., M.S. and Ph. D degrees in electronics and electrical engineering
from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea, in
2010, 2012, and 2016 respectively.
From 2016 to 2018, he was with Advanced Medical Device Research Division, Korea Electrotechnology
Research Institute (KERI), Ansan, Korea.
In 2018, he joined the Faculty of the Department of Robotics Engineering, Yeungnam
University, Gyeongsan, Korea, where he is currently an Assistant Professor.
In 2008, His main research interests cover analog/RF/mmW CMOS ICs and radar systems.
received B.S degrees in electrical engineering and material science from Ajou University,
Suwon, Korea, in 2003, and Ph. D. degree in electrical engineering from Korea Advanced
Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea, in 2009.
From 2009 to 2011, he was with Mixed-Signal Core Design Team, Samsung Electronics,
Yongin, Korea.
From 2011 to 2016, he was with Advanced Medical Device Research Division, Korea Electrotechnology
Research Institute (KERI), Ansan, Korea.
He was concurrently an Associate Professor in the Department of Energy and Power Conversion
Engineering from Mar. 2012 to Aug. 2016, University of Science and Technology (UST),
Ansan, Korea.
Since Sep. 2016, he has been an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronic
Engineering, Yeungnam University, Korea.
His research interests are RF/mmW/THz circuits and systems, especially miniaturized
radar sensors.