Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
Analog to digital converter, incremental delta sigma ADC, extended counting, self-biased amplifier, amplifier sharing, CMOS image sensor
I. Introduction
CMOS image sensors (CISs) have been widely used in various applications such as mobile
computing, security, and surveillance. As the applications of a CIS expands, demand
for a small-size, high-resolution, and low-power analog to digital converter (ADC)
is increasing for use in pixel column readouts. An incremental delta sigma ADC is
considered an appropriate candidate for such applications.
For a fixed order of modulators, the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of incremental delta
sigma ADCs can be improved either by increasing the oversampling ratio (OSR) or the
quantizer resolution. However, the former requires the ADC to run with a higher clock
frequency and the latter complicates the ADC design due to the use of a multi-bit
digital to analog converter (DAC). Both methods eventually lead to an increase in
the power consumption and the size of the ADC. It is known that the required power
consumption or the size of an ADC quadruples for every 6dB increase in SNR.
In order to be employed in a column parallel ADC architecture(1), the ADC power and size should be limited to fit within a small pixel pitch. An extended
counting technique which reuses the residual voltage of an ADC to increase the ADC
resolution (2) is a good candidate as the column ADC of a CIS. In (3) and (4), the extended counting technique was successfully applied in an incremental delta-sigma
ADC for an array application such as a biosensor array. However, the ADCs still occupied
a large chip area, and they would not be suitable for a column parallel ADC architecture.
In this work, the extended counting technique is applied in a modified form to minimize
the circuit components and the control signal for a second-order incremental delta-sigma
ADC. The proposed incremental delta sigma ADC has a feedback loop that consists of
the two-bit ADC’s MSB. Further, the ADC combines the LSB of the final conversion with
the decimation filter output. To further reduce the chip size and power consumption
of the ADC, a self-biased amplifier is shared between the two adjacent stages in the
The extended-counting incremental delta-sigma ADC, which occupies a die area of 0.0026
$mm^2$, has been fabricated in a 0.18-${\mathrm{\mu}}$m CIS process. The ADC achieves
a 65 dB signal-to-noise and distortion ratio (SNDR) and consumes a total current of
25 ${\mathrm{\mu}}$A from a 1.8 V supply, resulting in a figure of merit (FOM) of
101 fJ/conversion step.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section II introduces the proposed
extended-counting incremental delta-sigma ADC, and the implementation details of the
ADC are explained in section III. Measurement results and conclusions are provided
in section IV and V, respectively.
II. Proposed Extended - Counting
Incremental Delta - Sigma ADC
A linearized model of the extended-counting incremental delta-sigma ADC is shown in
Fig. 1. It consists of two integrators, a two-bit flash ADC which is used as an internal
quantizer, and a decimation filter. The modulator architecture is the same as the
one proposed in (5) except that, instead of a single-bit quantizer, a 2-bit quantizer is used to implement
the proposed extended-counting technique in this work. A Sinc2 filter consisting of
a counter and an accumulator is used as a decimation filter.
As shown in Fig. 1, the modulator works as a conventional delta-sigma modulator utilizing a single-bit
quantizer. Only the most significant bit (MSB) of the 2-bit quantizer output is fed
back to the input node of the first integrator. The least significant bit (LSB) of
the quantizer output, which is generated by using the last input sample, is later
added to the output of the decimation filter.
Fig. 1. Simplified block diagram of the proposed ADC.
The transfer function from the modulator input VIN(z) to the output of the decimation
filter $Y_1$(z) can be calculated as follows by using the linear model shown in Fig. 1.
where A(z) and B(z) are the denominator and the numerator of the signal transfer function.
These values are determined by the integrator gains ($a_1$ and $a_2$), respectively.
$k_1$ is the quantizer gain and is determined by behavioral simulations. $E_1$(z)
is the quantization error of the single-bit quantizer. Note that, even though the
two-bit quantizer is used in the modulator, only the MSB of the quantizer output is
used for the signal feedback. Hence, the effective resolution of the quantizer is
one-bit. The transfer function from VIN(z) to Y2(z) can be calculated as follows
where $k_2$ is the gain of the 2-bit quantizer.
The final output $D_{OUT}$(z) can be calculated by adding $Y_1$(z) with Y2(z) as follows
In (7), $E_1$(z) can be removed by setting $a_1$, $a_2$, and $k_2$ equal to 1/3, 1/2, and
1, respectively. This leaves only $E_2$(z) which is theoretically four times smaller
than $E_1$(z). However, $E_1$(z) cannot be totally removed in a real implementation
mainly due to a low DC gain of the amplifier, and because of capacitor mismatches
between the capacitors used in the integrators. The measurement results show that
the SNDR and the effective number of bits (ENOB) are improved by 3 dB and 0.5-bit,
Table 1. Comparison of hardware complexity
Number of
quantizer bit
Single bit
This work
2 Flip-flops
2-bit Adder
6 MUXs
7 Flip-flops
8 Flip-flops
8 bit Adder
6 Flip-flops
12 Flip-flops
12 bit Adder
12 Flip-flops
12 bit Adder
11 Flip-flops
11 bit Adder
Feedback DAC
1 DAC Structure
3 DAC Structures
1 DAC Structures
Number of Comparator
Fig. 2. Circuit diagram of the second-order delta-sigma modulator with two-bit quantizer
and its clock signals.
It should be mentioned that the hardware complexity of the ADC has to be carefully
considered because the width of the ADC cannot exceed two times the pixel pitch in
the column-parallel architecture. This is the main reason for the difficulty in using
a multi-bit quantizer in the delta-sigma ADC for a CIS. Table 1 compares the number of circuit components related to the quantizers for a single-bit
and two-bit conventional ADCs and the circuit components for this work. In the conventional
two-bit quantizer, as shown in Table 1, the required circuit components for the DWA and decimation filter are more than
double those for the single-bit quantizer. However, the number of circuit components
required in this work, though it uses a two-bit quantizer, is almost identical to
that necessary for the single-bit quantizer.
III. Circuit Implementation and Operation
Fig. 2 shows a simplified circuit diagram and clock signals of the modulator. It consists
of two integrators and three comparators with a two-bit encoder working as a quantizer.
The upper side of the switched-capacitor circuit in the Fig. 2 functions as the first integrator and the lower side is the second integrator. The
two integrators are realized in a single-ended configuration because the pixel generates
an output voltage in a single-ended fashion. Furthermore, an amplifier is shared by
the integrators to reduce chip area and power consumption. As shown in Fig. 3, a self-biased amplifier with switches added for amplifier sharing (5) is adopted in this work. To increase the gain of the amplifier, the sizes of the
input PMOS and NMOS transistors are enlarged. This enlargement increases the parasitic
capacitance associated with the input transistor. The input parasitic capacitance
was carefully calculated by using a simulator, and was taken into account when the
filter coefficients of the modulator were realized to suppress quantization noise.
The operation of the modulator is as follows. The main clock and the ADC enable signal
(EN) are externally applied the reset signal (RST) which is low and non-overlapping
clocks ($\phi_{1}$ and $\phi_{2}$) are generated by an internal clock generator. The
pixel output is sampled by the sampling capacitor ($C_1S$) of the first integrator
when $\phi_{1}$ is high, and transferred to the feedback capacitor ($C_1F$) when $\phi_{2}$
is high. Next, the output of the first integrator is processed by the second integrator
in the same manner as did the first integrator using $\phi_{1}$ and $\phi_{2}$. The
second integrator output is finally converted into a digital code by using the quantizer.
Once the conversion process is finished, the reset signal (RST) toggles and the ADC
is reset to an initial state for the conversion of the next pixel signal.
Fig. 3. Self-biased amplifier for amplifier sharing.
Fig. 4. Die micrograph and ADC layout.
Fig. 5. Measured dynamic performance
IV. Measurement Results
A 384 ${\times}$ 200-pixel CIS employing the proposed ADC was fabricated in a 0.18-${\mathrm{\mu}}$m
1P4M CIS process. The die micrograph of the CIS, which occupies 5.5225 $mm^2$ (2.35mm
${\times}$ 2.35 mm), is shown in Fig. 4. The ADC takes up a die area of 0.0026 $mm^2$ (8.8 ${\mathrm{\mu}}$m ${\times}$ 300
${\mathrm{\mu}}$m). A 2-shared four-transistor active pixel architecture is used.
The ADCs for even columns and odd columns are placed at the upper and lower sides
of the pixel array.
Fig. 5 shows the measured dynamic performance and the FFT plot of the ADC with a sinusoidal
input frequency and an amplitude of 1.67 kHz and 0.75 $V_{P-P}$% (peak-to-peak voltage),
respectively. The ADC was tested with and without the application of the extended
counting for an OSR of 64. The measured FFT result of the ADC with extended counting
is plotted using black lines, and the result without the use of extended counting
is plotted as gray lines. The measured SNDR and ENOB, which are calculated by the
formula (SNDR {--} 1.76)/6.02, are 62 dB and 10-bit, respectively, without the application
of extended counting. The SNDR, and hence, the ENOB improve by 3dB and 0.5-bit, respectively,
by the application of extended counting. As shown in Fig. 6, the measured differential nonlinearity (DNL) and integral nonlinearity (INL) are
+0.49 / ${-}$0.22 and +0.61 / ${-}$0.64 LSB, respectively. The ADC draws a current
of 25 ${\mathrm{\mu}}$A from a 1.8 V supply, resulting in a power dissipation of 45
It is the amplifier that consumes most of the ADC power. Table 1 compares the results from the state-of-the-art incremental delta-sigma ADCs with
a CIS fabricated using similar technologies. Two popular FOMs, which are referred
to as ${FoM}_{W}$ and ${FoM}_{A}$ in the Table 2, are used to make a fair comparison of the ADC performance. The FOMs of this work
are the smallest among the FOMs of the ADCs fabricated with the same technology. Furthermore,
they are comparable to the FOMs of the ADCs fabricated using the advanced processes.
Fig. 6. Measured static performance (a) differential nonlinearity (DNL), (b) integral
nonlinearity (INL).
Fig. 7. Captured images using the CIS
Table 2. Performance comparison
This work
Sampling frequency [MHz]
Signal bandwidth [kHz]
Supply voltage [V]
SNDR[dB] / ENOB [bit]
63 / 10.2
63.7 / 10.3
72(SNR) / 11.7
57.7 / 9.3
66 / 10.7
65 / 10.5
Power consumption [uW]
Active area [$mm^2$]
${FoM}_{W}$ [fJ/Conv.step]*
${FoM}_{A}$ [fJ· $mm^2$/Conv.step]**
* ${FoM}_{W}$ = power / (2BW${\cdot}$${2}^{ENOB}$) ** ${FoM}_{A}$ = ${FoM}_{W}$·Area
V. Conclusion
A low-power and small-size extended-counting incremental delta-sigma ADC for a CIS
has been presented. A new extended counting method is applied to a second-order incremental
delta-sigma ADC without increasing hardware complexity and power consumption. To further
reduce the ADC size and power consumption, a self-biased amplifier was shared between
the adjacent integrators.
A CIS employing the proposed ADC has been fabricated in a 0.18-${\mathrm{\mu}}$m CIS
process and occupies a die area of 5.5225 $mm^2$. The ADC itself occupies an active
area of 0.0026 $mm^2$ and the measured SNDR and ENOB of the ADC running at a sampling
clock of 20 MHz are improved, respectively, from 62 dB and 10-bit to 65 dB and 10.5-bit
by using extended counting. The measured DNL and INL are +0.49 / ${-}$0.22 and +0.61
/ ${-}$0.64 LSB, respectively. The ADC draws a current of 25${\mathrm{\mu}}$A from
a 1.8 V supply and achieves ${FoM}_{W}$ and ${FoM}_{A}$ of 101 fJ/Conv-step and 0.266
fJ·$mm^2$/Conv-step, respectively (6-8).
This research was supported by the Commercialization Promotion Agency for R&D Outcomes(COMPA)
funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT(MSIT). [2019K000345] and this research was
supported by the MSIT (Ministry of Science and ICT), Korea, under the ITRC(Information
Technology Research Center) support program(IITP-2019-2018-0-01433) supervised by
the IITP(Institute for Information & communications Technology Promotion)
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Woo-Tae Kim received the B.S. degree in electronic engineering from Dongguk University,
Seoul, South Korea, in 2012, and the M.S degree from the School of Mechatronics, Gwangju
Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, South Korea, in 2014.
He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the School of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science.
His research interests include CMOS image sensors and analog-to-digital converters
Byung-Geun Lee received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Korea University,
Seoul, South Korea, in 2000, the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer
engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, in 2004 and 2007, respectively.
From 2008 to 2010, he was a Senior Design Engineer at Qualcomm Inc., San Diego, CA,
USA, where he had been involved in the development of various mixed-signal ICs. Since
2010, he has been with the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology.
He is currently an Associate Professor with the School of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science.
His research interests include high-speed data converters, CMOS image sensors, and
neuromorphic system design.