Kim Nam-Kyu1
Um Ji-Yong1,*
(Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Hannam University)
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
Digital background calibration, pipelined SAR ADC, gradient decent algorithm, ultrasound, FPGA implementation
Fig. 1. (a) Ultrasound transceiver for Doppler processing, (b) a conceptual spectrum
of ultrasonic echo signal.
Typically, the application of ultrasonic Doppler signal processing utilizes an ultrasound
transducer with a specific center frequency by a nature of transducer element. So,
an acquired ultrasonic echo signal has a narrow frequency band with a specific center
frequency. (Fig.1). In addition, there is a sampling frequency requirement, i.e., 8 to 16 times of
center frequency of transducer, to relieve hardware complexity in the following signal-processing
unit such as a beamformer [1,2]. This is because a delay resolution of a beamformer is primarily determined by an
oversampling ratio (OSR) of an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) [1,2].
This work proposes an ultrasonic echo-signal based digital background calibration
for pipelined successive approximation register (SAR) ADC. It utilizes the abovementioned
features of target application, ultrasonic Doppler processing. The proposed ADC periodically
monitors a power of out-of-band signals (Fig.1(b)). The power of out-of-band high-frequency signals correspond to harmonics, which
are generated by nonlinearity of ADC. The proposed calibration corrects the nonlinearity
by minimizing the power of harmonics with an optimization algorithm.
The target resolution and sampling rate of ADC in this work are 10 bits and 11 MS/s,
respectively. A SAR ADC can be preferred structure for those specifications in terms
of energy efficiency. However, the total input capacitance of SAR ADC becomes large
if the utilized CMOS process does not belong to a few tens of \textit{nm} CMOS process.
This results in a large capacitive loading for an ADC driver circuit. When we consider
the available minimum metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitance in the utilized CMOS
process, we choose a pipelined-SAR ADC structure to compromise the energy efficiency
and the input capacitive loading [3,4].
The resolution of multi-step (pipeline-type) ADC is primarily affected by the inter-stage
gain error resulting from capacitance mismatch, finite op-amp gain, charge sharing
in top plate of capacitive digital-to-analog converter (DAC), and a utilization of
open-loop amplifier.
There are various approaches to mitigate inter-stage gain error of multi-step ADCs
[5-10]. A pseudo-random noise (PN) sequence has been utilized in digital calibration for
error randomization, and error code is detected through a correlation-based method
[5,6]. This method is usually applied in a digital background calibration. However, it
can reduce a signal dynamic range due to an injection of PN sequence in a signal path.
Also, PN-sequence-based calibration requires relatively long convergence time to detect
a PN-modulated error.
Histogram-based digital calibration [7,8] is an another approach to compensate for gain error. It accumulates a code distribution.
Then, specific code statistics, i.e., code distance or width, are extracted to estimate
error code. Since it depends on an accumulated code histogram, rigorous requirements
are imposed on an input signal of ADC for calibration accuracy.
Several foreground calibrations of [9,10] are feasible approaches to alleviate the gain error of pipelined SAR ADC. These calibration
schemes commonly use an additional tunable capacitor bank. The accuracy of calibration
can be affected by the precision of additional capacitor bank. Also, by a nature of
a foreground calibration, it cannot track long-term process variations unless an intermittent
calibration cycle is considered.
In this work, an ultrasonic echo-signal based digital background calibration for pipelined
SAR ADC is proposed. This work utilizes a normal ultrasonic echo signal, and adaptively
compensates for a periodic inter-stage gain error by using a gradient-decent optimization
algorithm. As a result, there is no reduction of input-signal dynamic range, which
is present in PN-based dithering. Also, there is no stringent constraint for a precision
of input signal, compared with histogram-based method. The abovementioned calibrations
such as PN-based method, histogram-based method and foreground calibrations require
analog-circuit modifications on a signal path to measure error value directly. Whereas,
this work does not require other analog-circuit modifications, whose imperfection
normally affects the performance of calibration.
This paper is organized as follows. Section II presents the structure and issues of
the pipelined SAR ADC. Section III presents the concept and implementation results
for digital calibration. Measurement results and conclusion are followed in Section
IV and V, respectively.
Fig. 2. Structure of pipelined SAR ADC of this work.
Fig.2 shows a structure of two-stage pipelined SAR ADC. Each stage utilizes the merged
capacitor switching (MCS) based SAR ADC [11]. A residue voltage of the first stage is amplified by a residue amplifier. To enhance
energy efficiency of ADC, a class-AB telescopic op amp is utilized as the residue
amplifier [12]. Building blocks of Fig.2 are implemented as a fully differential circuitry, and single-ended fashion is shown
in Fig.2 for simplicity.
The first stage of Fig.2 is a 3.5-bit/stage multiplying digital-to-analog converter (MDAC) and the second
stage is a 7-bit SAR quantizer. The raw output code $\textit{D}$$_{RAW}$ is generated
by the conventional digital correction scheme [13]. The nonlinearity of raw code $\textit{D}$$_{RAW}$ is corrected by the proposed digital
background calibration, which is described in Section III. The first-stage MDAC is
implemented using MIM capacitors with unit capacitance of 20 fF. The second-stage
SAR quantizer is implemented using full-custom designed metal-oxide-metal (MOM) capacitors
[14] for unit capacitance of 1 fF.
Table 1. Design considerations of ADC in this work
Power efficiency
Class-AB topology in op amp
Top-plate sampling in DAC
Capacitor mismatch
Common-centroid layout
Switch nonlinearity
Bootstrapping scheme
Fully differential topology
Finite op-amp gain
Telescopic topology in op amp
Inter-stage gain error
Proposed digital calibration
There are primary design considerations in a pipelined SAR ADC (Table 1). This work deals with each of design considerations with appropriate design techniques.
Power efficiency is one of significant considerations, and this work adopts a class-AB
op amp and top-plate sampling scheme in DAC. When we consider the target linearity,
i.e., around 9 bits, a typical common-centroid layout of capacitive DAC can attain
the target linearity. The class-AB telescopic op amp with DC gain more than 70 dB
is used. Also, a bootstrapping scheme of sampling switches and fully differential
topology in a signal path could alleviate a switch nonlinearity.
As is well known, a bottom-plate sampling SAR quantizer has an advantage that the
parasitic capacitor of the output node of DAC does not affect the charge redistribution
of DAC. However, the bottom-plate sampling SAR quantizer has more number of switches,
which are connected to the bottom node of each capacitor of DAC. Correspondingly,
a parasitic capacitance along with junction capacitances at the bottom plate of each
capacitor can be increased. This un-avoidable parasitic capacitance can slow down
settling speed of DAC, so a size of switch in bottom node of DAC capacitor might be
increased. However, this increment of switch size worsens power consumption and chip
area if the utilized CMOS process does not belong to advanced scaled CMOS process.
This work adopts the MCS with top-plate sampling scheme as a sampling and switching
scheme. Also, this can reduce a load capacitance of the residue amplifier. However,
the charge redistribution of top-plate sampling scheme is affected by a parasitic
capacitor at the output node of DAC [14]. This results in a gain error in the transfer function of DAC and residue-voltage
error in the output of residue amplifier. The parasitic capacitance at the output
node of DAC is mostly generated by routing lines in layout and an input capacitance
of a comparator.
Note that capacitance matching characteristic of MIM capacitor is assumed to be enough
to accomplish the linearity up to 9 effective number of bits (ENOB). Also, the open-loop
gain of residue amplifier is 79 dB for typical corner condition in post-layout simulation.
Hence, capacitance matching of DAC and op-amp gain can be considered to be negligible
error sources in this work.
Then, the remained primary error source can be the reference scaling due to parasitic
capacitance at the output node of DAC. The equivalent reference level for each stage
can be summarized as follows [14]:
where $\textit{C}$$_{total}$ and $\textit{C}$$_{P}$ correspond to a summation of DAC
capacitors including dummy capacitor and a parasitic capacitance of DAC output, respectively.
As shown in (1), the equivalent reference level $\textit{V}$$_{REF.EQ}$ is scaled due to the parasitic
capacitance of DAC output. The equivalent reference level $\textit{V}$$_{REF.EQ}$
of each of stages cannot be accurately matched because it is difficult to precisely
adjust a parasitic capacitance of DAC output. As a result, a discrepancy of reference
levels between two adjacent stages occurs.
Fig. 3. (a) Reference-voltage discrepancy, (b) corresponding ADC transfer function.
The reference-voltage discrepancy is conceptually illustrated in Fig.3(a). This reference-voltage discrepancy causes a step error between two adjacent code
segments as shown in Fig.3(b). The step error of ADC-transfer function results in nonlinearity components in the
output of ADC. This nonlinearity of ADC generates harmonics of the input signal of
ADC. If the harmonics power is suppressed by adjusting the step error in the digital
domain, then the linearity of ADC can be enhanced. Therefore, this work focuses on
the digital calibration scheme to track the step error in the digital domain.
1. Concept of Calibration
Fig. 4. (a) Block diagram of digital calibration, (b) gradientdecent
optimization to track the step error.
Fig. 5. (a) Conceptual operation of step-error correction, (b)
block diagram of step-error correction.
The concept of proposed calibration is to minimize the harmonics power by adaptively
adjusting the step error between coarse-code segments. This means it requires an algorithm
to find the minimum value of a function. One of widely utilized algorithms to find
the local minimum is a gradient-decent algorithm [15,16]. We can assume a function of harmonics power has a single minimum value, since the
dominant error source of ADC is considered to be the periodic step error in this work.
So, this work utilizes the gradient-decent optimization algorithm to track the minimum
value of harmonics power.
Fig.4(a) presents a block diagram for digital background calibration. The digital calibration
part consists of a step-error correction block, a high-pass filter (HPF), a power
estimation block, and a gradient-decent optimization block.
When the raw code $\textit{D}$$_{RAW}$[$\textit{n}$] is fed into the step-error correction
block, the code correction is performed with the estimated step error $\textit{D}$$_{STEP}$[$\textit{k}$].
The index $\textit{n}$ follows the time unit of $\textit{T}$$_{S}$, which corresponds
to the period of sampling clock. The index $\textit{k}$ represents a time unit, whose
period corresponds to four times of one-scan time (Fig.4(a)). The output code $\textit{D}$$_{OUT}$[$\textit{n}$] of step-error correction block
is delivered to HPF to extract harmonics signal. Note that the primary application
of this work is an ultrasound Doppler processing. So, the echo signal has a relatively
high Q factor. Also, the target carrier frequency of ultrasound is relatively low
compared with the sampling frequency of ADC. Correspondingly, the utilization of HPF
is relevant to evaluate harmonics power of ADC. The harmonics power is estimated by
the power estimation block. The estimated power value $\textit{H}$$_{P}$[$\textit{k}$]
is utilized by the gradient-descent optimization block. This block tracks the optimal
step error $\textit{D}$$_{STEP}$[$\textit{n}$] which makes the derivative of harmonics
power $\textit{H}$$_{P}$[$\textit{n}$] zero (Fig.4(b)).
2. Implementation
Fig. 6. (a) Block diagram of Butterworth 8-th order HPF, (b)
magnitude response of HPF with and without quantization of
filter coefficient.
Fig. 7. (a) Block diagram of power estimation, (b) block
diagram of gradient-decent optimization algorithm.
The digital background calibration (Fig.4(a)) of this work is implemented with hardware description language (HDL), Verilog. The
verification of HDL implement-tation has been performed by using a FPGA, Virtex 5
A conceptual step-error correction is illustrated in Fig.5(a). According to the characteristic of residue plot of the 1st-stage MDAC, the step
error between adjacent code segments has a regular code gap. This work compensates
for the regular code gap by moving each of code segments with respect to the center
code of full-scale output of ADC. The code $\textit{D}$$_{COARSE}$[$\textit{n}$] represents
the code from the 1st- stage MDAC, and it corresponds to each of code segments (Fig.5(a)). So, the movement of code segment is performed according to the code of $\textit{D}$$_{COARSE}$[$\textit{n}$].
This code correction is performed by using the block diagram of Fig.5(b). It consists of a floating-pint multiplier and two adders. Note that all digital
computations are executed with twos complement format. The estimated step error $\textit{D}$$_{STEP}$[$\textit{k}$]
is weighted by 2·$\textit{D}$$_{COARSE}$[$\textit{n}$] – 15 LSB. The code $\textit{D}$$_{STEP}$[$\textit{k}$]
is manipulated in 12 digits of floating point.
The output code $\textit{D}$$_{OUT}$[$\textit{n}$] of step-error correction block
is delivered into HPF to filter out harmonics component. The harmonics power is monitored
to evaluate the nonlinearity of ADC. The utilized HPF is Butterworth 8-th order filter
(Fig.6(a)). Note that the ultrasonic signal of this work has a center frequency of 550 kHz
with a Q-factor around 5. Correspondingly, the cut-off frequency of HPF is set to
2.06 MHz.
When we consider the hardware implementation of filter, the filter coefficient should
be truncated into a finite number of floating points. This work utilizes filter coefficients
with 12 bits of floating points. Then, the filter performance can be degraded. In
order to evaluate the filter-performance deviation due to quantization of filter coefficient,
we applied a chirp signal. A comparison of magnitude respond of HPF is shown in Fig.6(b). Since the number of bits of overall ADC output is 10 bits, the utilization of 12
bits of floating points in filter coefficient is sufficient to attenuate the low frequency
signal more than 60 dB.
The harmonics, i.e., output code of HPF, is fed into the power estimation block. A
power of harmonics signal can be computed through RMS computation. However, RMS computation
is relatively complicated in terms of HDL implementation. Hence, this work utilizes
an accumulation of absolute amplitude of harmonics signal (Fig.7(a)). This simple implementation can accomplish an equivalent computation of signal power.
For robust estimation of harmonics power against temporal noise of ADC code, an averaging
operation is performed for four consecutive power values (Fig.7(a)). To support this temporal-noise averaging, the step error $\textit{D}$$_{STEP}$[$\textit{k}$]
and harmonics power $\textit{H}$$_{P}$[$\textit{k}$] are updated according to a signal,
which is a divided signal for the periodic signal $Trigger$.
A goal of this work is to suppress harmonics power $\textit{H}$$_{P}$[$\textit{k}$]
by tracking the step-error code $\textit{D}$$_{STEP}$[$\textit{k}$] with the gradient-decent
optimization algorithm [15]. This algorithm periodically checks a derivative of harmonics power, and it becomes
a steady state if the derivative of harmonics power approaches to zero.
Fig. 9. (a) Ultrasonic echo signal applied into fabricated chip,
(b) comparison of measured spectrums.
This algorithm is implemented by using a block diagram of Fig.7(b). The polarity of derivative of harmonics power is computed by using a delay cell,
a subtraction unit, and a comparator. There is an assumption that the raw code $\textit{D}$$_{RAW}$[$\textit{n}$]
of ADC has a transfer function of missing-code profile. Then, the step-error is decreased
if the derivative of harmonics power is negative. Similarly, the step-error is increased
if the derivative of harmonics power is positive. The step-error code $\textit{D}$$_{STEP}$[$\textit{k}$]
is decremented or incremented depending on the output of comparator. The step-error
code $\textit{D}$$_{STEP}$[$\textit{k}$] is updated with the following equation.
where $\textit{D}$$_{SIZE}$ represent a step size for the utilized algorithm, and
its value in the HDL implementation is 0.03125 LSB.
Fig. 10. Measured digital signals in calibration part.
Table 2. HDL synthesis result for implementation in FPGA.
Macro statistics
Floating-point multiplier
18 x 18
24 x 24
33 x 24
13 bit
18 bit
24 bit
56 bit
10 bit
Slice logic utilization
Fig. 11. Measured FFT results for (a) low-frequency signal, (b)
Nyquist signal.
Fig. 12. Measured SNDR with respect to input frequency.
The ADC core was implemented in a 0.18-μm standard CMOS process. The chip micrograph
is shown in Fig.8. It includes the analog part of ADC and the digital part for raw code generation.
The active area of fabricated circuit is 550 μm x 870 μm. The supply voltage of ADC
is 1.8 V with power consumption of 530~μW. The power consumption of digital calibration
is estimated to be 130 μW according to the synthesis result with $Design$ $Compiler$
($Synopsys$). The sampling rate of ADC is 11 MS/s.
In this work, the circuit of [17] was revised in terms of power consumption. In the revised circuit, the power consumption
of residue amplifier was lowered, compared with that of [17]. Also, the parasitic capacitance of the bottom plate of DAC capacitor was decreased
through modified layout, and the DAC driver circuit was optimized for its DAC capacitor
along with the bottom-plate parasitic capacitance. Through this circuit revision,
the power consumption of ADC was lowered.
The measurement boards consist of the FPGA board and the implemented PCB. The ultrasonic
echo signal was emulated from the Field-II program [18]. The emulated echo signal for a single scan line was applied to the fabricated ADC
through a discrete DAC (DAC902E, Texas Instruments). The output of DAC was connected
to the fabricated ADC. The ADC output codes, i.e., $\textit{D}$$_{COARSE}$ and $\textit{D}$$_{RAW}$,
are fed into FPGA and manipulated with the proposed digital background calibration.
The waveform of emulated ultrasonic echo signal is presented in Fig.9(a). The measured spectrums depending on proposed calibration are compared in Fig.9(b). Note that the proposed step-error correction compensates for the segmental offset,
so it can affect the overall amplitude of signal after calibration. Thus, the spectrum
of Fig.9(b) with calibration has been acquired after performing normalization of signal amplitude.
A number of data sample for a single scan line is 2$^{13}$. In the FFT result, the
harmonics of raw data of ADC are suppressed.
Table 3. Performance comparison of ADCs with digital calibration
This work
TCAS1'17 [9]
JSSC'09 [19]
JSTS'19 [20]
JSSC'12 [21]
ADC type
Pipelined SAR
Pipelined SAR
(off-chip, FPGA)
(on chip)
(off chip)
(on chip)
(off chip)
Input for calibration
Sensor signal
(ultrasonic echo)
Internally generated
Reference DAC
(DC signal)
Resolution [bits]
Process [nm]
Supply [V]
Fs [MS/s]
Power [mW]
0.53 (0.66**)
@ Nyquist rate
* Power of digital calibration is excluded
** Estimated power of digital calibration is included
To illustrate the operation of calibration, digital signals of step error $\textit{D}$$_{STEP}$[$\textit{k}$]
and harmonics power $\textit{H}$$_{P}$[$\textit{k}$] in FPGA are measured as shown
in Fig.10. The harmonics power has its minimum value after tracking the optimum ep-error code
This work demonstrates the implementation result of digital calibration by using HDL,
Verilog, along with FPGA. The synthesis summary for implementation of designed HDL
is shown in Table 2. Most of floating-point multipliers are utilized in the Butterworth 8-th order filter.
To demonstrate the linearity improvement of ADC, single-tone evaluations were performed.
In this measurement, the step error was fixed into the tracked value from the ultrasonic-echo
test. When a sinusoidal signal with a frequency of 275 kHz is applied, SNDR and SFDR
are enhanced by 13.6 dB and 19.7 dB, respectively, after calibration. For a sinusoidal
signal with Nyquist frequency, the achieved SNDR and SFDR are 56.5 dB and 72.5 dB,
respectively. Through calibration, SNDR and SFDR are enhanced by 13.2 dB and 20.3
dB, respectively. As described before, the proposed calibration corrects a periodic
inter-stage gain error, and correspondingly it suppresses spurs caused by the period
inter-stage gain error. However, there are residual spurs in FFT spectrum after calibration.
It is estimated that the remained nonlinearities might be caused by error sources
which are not perfectly regulated with countermeasures of Table 1. The measured SNDR with respect to the input frequency are presented in Fig.12. The dynamic performance is maintained up to Nyquist input frequency (Fig.12).
The performance of this work is compared with other ADCs with digital calibration
in Table 3. Most of ADCs in Table 3 require a relatively precise signal such as a sinusoidal or DC signal for calibration.
However, this work uses an arbitrary sensor signal, i.e., ultrasonic echo, within
pre-defined frequency range. However, the Walden FoM of this work is relatively higher
than that of other works. This is estimated that several building blocks such as asynchronous
clock generation and a class-AB amplifier consume relatively large current according
to post-layout simulation. Also, a relatively large on-resistance of transistors in
the utilized CMOS process can result in relatively large-size switches in this design.
A digital background calibration for step-error correction of pipelined SAR ADC is
proposed. The calibration compensates for a code gap between adjacent coarse-code
segments by using a gradient-decent optimization algorithm. The analog circuitry along
with the digital circuitry for raw-code generation was fabricated in a 0.18-μm CMOS
process. The proposed digital calibration was implemented with HDL, and its operation
was verified by using FPGA. The fabricated chip operates with a supply voltage of
1.8V with a power consumption of 530 μW. The achieved SNDR with the proposed calibration
is 56.5 dB at Nyquist-rate input. The ADC does not require other precise input signals
such as a sinusoidal signal or a DC signal. Thus, the proposed ADC can be considered
to be appropriate for a practical sensor interface, where it acquires repetitive signals
with narrow signal bandwidth such as Doppler processing of ultrasound.
This work was supported by Basic Science Research
Program through the National Research Foundation of
Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education
(2016R1D1A1B03930973, 2019R1I1A3A01060591),
the Industrial Strategic Technology Development
Program (10074267) funded by the Ministry of Trade,
Industry and Energy (MOTIE, Korea), the 2019 Hannam
University Research Fund, and IDEC Programs of Korea.
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Nam-Kyu Kim received the B.S.
degree from the Department of
Electronic Engineering from Hannam
University, Daejeon, Korea, in 2018.
Currently, he is working toward the
M.S. degree in the Department of
Electronic Engineering at Hannam
His research interests include high precision
techniques for data converters.
Ji-Yong Um received the B.S., M.S.
and Ph.D. degrees from the Department
of Electronic and Electrical
Engineering from Pohang University
of Science and Technology (POSTECH),
Pohang, Korea, in 2006,
2008, and 2013, respectively.
2014 to 2015, he worked as an Analog Design Engineer
at SK Hynix, Seongnam, Korea.
In 2016, he joined the
faculty of the Department of Electronic Engineering at
Hannam University, Daejeon, Korea, where he is
currently an Assistant Professor.
His research interests
include mixed-signal IC designs for sensor interfaces and
ultrasound imaging applications.