(Hyun Chan Jo)
(Min Hee Kang)
(Woo Young Choi)
(Department of Electronic Eng., Sogang University, 35 Baekbeom-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul,
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
Terms—Nanoelectromechanical(NEM), NEM memory switch, reliability, stress
Reconfigurable logic (RL) circuits such as field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs)
have received much attention due to their advantages: design flexibility and fast
development[1-7]. However, conventional RL circuits consisting of CMOS routing blocks (RBs) have shown
some limitations in terms of chip density, energy efficiency and performance. To overcome
these limitations, some alternative routing switches including nanoelectromechanical
(NEM) memory switches have been intensively researched to replace CMOS RBs[3-7]. It is feasible because NEM memory switches can be integrated in back-end-of-line
(BEOL) metal interconnection layers. Previously, we have successfully proved that
CMOS-NEM RL circuits have lower leakage power, signal delay and chip area than conventional
CMOS-only RL ones[5-7].
On the other hand, NEM memory switches suffer from reliability problems due to their
operating mechanisms. Fig. 1(a) shows the structure of a conventional NEM memory switch, which acts as a one-to-two
multiplexer. It consists of two fixed metal electrodes called Selection Line 1 (SL1),
2 (SL2) and a movable cantilever beam attached to the bit line (BL). The data signal
path and logic functions are determined by the position of the cantilever beam. In
the initial state, the cantilever beam is not stuck to either SL1 or SL2. Thus, the
data signal is not transmitted. Then, the positive or negative voltage ($V_{SL1}$
or $V_{SL2}$) is applied to either SL1 or SL2. It makes the cantilever beam attach
to either SL1 or SL2, which means data signal is transmitted. For nonvolatile switching,
generally, the contact area between the cantilever beam and SLs is designed to be
large[5]. However, large contact area makes stress more concentrated around the anchor. It
means that the movable beam becomes weaker than as the number of switching cycle increases,
which is problematic in terms of reliability[7,8]. Thus, for reliability improvement, the maximum stress around the beam anchor should
be alleviated.
Fig. 1. (a) Schematic of conventional NEM memory switch, (b) Schematic of proposed
optimized SL NEM memory switch.
In this manuscript, we propose that the reliability of NEM memory switches can be
improved by optimizing the dimension of SL as shown in Fig. 1(b). The validity of the proposed method is verified by finite-element-method (FEM) simulation.
Fig. 2 shows the key process steps of NEM memory switches.
Fig. 2. Key process flow of NEM memory switches.
The quasi-static electromechanical behavior of NEM memory switches is simulated by
using three-dimensional (3D) FEM simulation[12]. Table 1 and Table 2 summarize the beam design parameters material properties used in this work. $L_{SL}$
varies from 2.5 μm to 30 μm for optimization. For fair comparison, our proposed NEM
memory switch has the identical design parameters except for $L_{SL}$. In order to
evaluate stress level, von Mises stress analysis is introduced which is commonly used
for the evaluation of metal damage[13-16]. In our work, von Mises stress profile analysis is essential to understand the spatial
variations of the stress depending on the beam bending degree determined by the applied
voltage. Fig. 3(a) and Fig. 3(b) show the beam displacement in the beam width direction ($L_{\Delta}$) as a function
of $L_{SL}$ It is observed that less portion of the movable beam becomes in contact
with SLs as $L_{SL}$ decreases. It means more stress is concentrated around the anchor
in the pull-in state as $L_{SL}$ increases. To clarify it, Fig. 3(c) and Fig. 3(d) show the stress contours over the beam cross-section at the anchor. The stress increases
from the middle part of the beam to the edge, which means that beam fracture occurs
from the edge to the center reflecting our experimental results.
Table 1. Parameters of simulated NEM memory switches
Young's modulus (E)
110 GPa
Poisson ratio
8.3*10-15 kg·μm-3
Thickness of BL & SL (t)
0.5 μm
Initial gap ($g_{0}$)
0.5 μm
Width of beam ($W_{beam}$)
0.5 μm
Length of beam ($L_{beam}$)
30.0 μm
Length of selection lines ($L_{SL}$)
30.0 ~ 2.5 μm
Table 2. Summarized beam material properties[9-11]
Hamaker constant of Cu beam ($A_{Cu}$)
Surface roughness between metal line ($D_{rms}$)
1.6 nm
Van der Waals distance ($d_{vdw}$)
1.5 nm
Real and apparent ratio of contact area ($\alpha$)
Fig. 3. Beam displacement when $L_{SL}$’s are (a) 29.5 μm, (b) 2.5 μm, respectively.
Von Mises stress contours at (c) the anchor cross-section when $L_{SL}$’s are (d)
29.5 μm, (e) 2.5 μm.
A 1D parallel-plate model is introduced to calculate minimal $L_{SL}$ for nonvolatile
switching[17]. Fig. 4 shows the relationship between beam restoring force ($F_{r}$) and van der Waals adhesion
force ($F_{ad}$) with the variation of $L_{SL}$. Each force component is defined as
Fig. 4. Relationship between $F_{r}$ and $F_{ad}$ with the variation of $L_{SL}$.
$F_{r}$ is constant because it is determined only by the structure and material of
the cantilever beam. On the other hand, $F_{ad}$ is linearly dependent on $L_{contact}$.
The value of $L_{SL}$ when $F_{r}$ is equal to $F_{ad}$ corresponds to the minimal
$L_{SL}$ for nonvolatile switching. According to our calculation, the minimal $L_{SL}$
for nonvolatile switching is 4.5 μm.
Fig. 5(a) shows the trade-off between the pull-in voltage ($V_{PI}$) and maximum stress ($\sigma_{max}$)
as a function of $L_{SL}$. The data was extracted from FEM simulation. It is observed
that $V_{PI}$ increases as $L_{SL}$ decreases. It is easily explained by the 1D parallel-plate
model where $V_{PI}$ is derived as
Fig. 5. (a) $V_{PI}$ and $\sigma_{max}$ with the variation of $L_{SL}$, (b) Schematic
of NEM memory switches when $L_{SL}$’s are (b) 30~17.5 μm, (c) 17.5 μm, (d) 4.5 μm,
(e) less than 4.5 μm, respectively.
where $k$ is the beam spring constant, $g_{0}$ is the air gap between the cantilever
beam and the SL, $\varepsilon_{0}$ is the vacuum permittivity and $A$ is the area
overlapped between the beam and SLs. $A$ is calculated as $L_{SL}$ * t. Thus, $V_{PI}$
increases continuously as $L_{SL}$ decreases. On the other hand, $\sigma_{max}$ is
maintained at ~289 MPa as long as $L_{SL}$ ranges between 17.5 μm and 30 μm. It is
because even if $L_{SL}$ decreases, beam contact length ($L_{cont}$) is constant until
$L_{SL}$ reaches $L_{cont}$. $L_{cont}$ is defined as the length between the beam
tip and the position where the beam displacement is $g_{0}$. Beam noncontact length
($L_{V}$) is defined as $L_{beam}$ - $L_{cont}$. On the contrary, if $L_{SL}$ decreases
from 17.5 μm to 4.5 μm, $\sigma_{max}$ becomes steadily lower down to 123.2 MPa maintaining
nonvolatile property. In this region, because both $L_{cont}$ is equal to $L_{SL}$,
the decrease of $L_{SL}$ makes $V_{PI}$ larger but $\sigma_{max}$ smaller. Finally,
if $L_{SL}$ becomes smaller than 4.5 μm, NEM memory switches fail to operate losing
nonvolatile property. Fig. 5(a) shows a good example of $L_{SL}$ optimization If 20-% increase of $V_{PI}$ is allowed,
$\sigma_{max}$ can be made > 40-% lower when $L_{SL}$ is 7.5 μm.
In this paper, the $L_{SL}$ of NEM memory switches is optimized by FEM simulation
considering mechanical reliability and operating voltage. According to the simulation
results, as $L_{SL}$ decreases, $V_{PI}$ increases while $\sigma _{max}$ concentrated
at the anchor of a movable beam decreases. It is found that the selection of optimized
$L_{SL}$ is helpful to make NEM memory switches more reliable with tolerable $V_{PI}$
This work was supported in part by Samsung Electronics, by the NRF of Korea funded
by the MSIT under Grant NRF-2018R1A2A2A05019651 (Mid-Career Researcher Program), NRF-2015M3A7B7046617
(Fundamental Technology Program), NRF-2016M3A7 B4909668 (Nano-Material Technology
Development Program), in part by the IITP funded by the MSIT under Grant IITP-2018-0-01421
(Information Technology Research Center Program), and in part by the MOTIE/KSRC under
Grant 10080575 (Future Semiconductor Device Technology Development Program).
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received the B.S. degree in Advanced Materials Engi-neering from Kyonggi University,
Suwon, South Korea, in 2017, where he is currently pursing the M.S. degree in the
Department of Elec-tronic Engineering, Sogang Univer-sity, Seoul, South Korea.
His current research interests include nanoelectromechanical (NEM) relays/memory cell.
received the B. S. degree in 2018 from Sejong Univer-sity, Seoul, South Korea.
She is currently working toward the M. S. degree in the Department of Elec-tronic
Engineering, Sogang Univer-sity, Seoul, South Korea.
Her current research interests include nanoelectromechanical (NEM) relays/memory cell.
received the B.S., M.S. and Ph. D. degrees in the School of Electrical Engineering
from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea in 2000, 2002 and 2006, respectively.
From 2006 to 2008, he was with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, USA as a post-doctor.
Since 2008, he has been a member of the faculty of Sogang University (Seoul, Korea),
where he is currently a Professor with the Department of Electronic Engineering.
His current research interests include fabrication, modeling, characterization and
measurement of CMOS/novel semiconductor and memory devices.