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Title Analysis of the Renewable Energy Application and Energy Consumption Structure in the Educational Facilities through a Complete Enumeration Survey
Authors Seungmin Jang ; Beungyong Park ; Taein Lee ; Yool Choi ; Jinkyun Cho
Page pp.512-522
ISSN 1229-6422
Keywords Aged school; Complete enumeration survey; Educational facilities; Energy consumption structure; Renewable Energy
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze energy consumption structures in elementary, middle, and high schools where energy consumption occurs on a quantitative scale. Another purpose of this study is to derive application of a renewable energy system by regional group and system type. By analyzing the installation ratio of renewable energy system by remodeling educational facilities, whether an appropriate and effective system was applied and operated in old schools was investigated. The analysis of the application of renewable energy system was carried out as a complete enumeration survey targeting a total of 11,819 schools nationwide. The ratio of installed schools in 17 regions and installation items by renewable energy system type (n = 5) were analyzed. The difference in the ratio of renewable energy installation between public schools and private schools was about 20%, which could further lead to an imbalance in educational conditions. In the case of energy independence of educational facilities, it is meaningful to increase the installation rate of new and renewable energy. It is also necessary to develop and operate an energy saving program that combines educational elements that students can voluntarily participate in.